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One Magical Password with Norton Identity Safe [Android Tablet Giveaway]

I am pretty good at remembering passwords, but even so there are a couple that I can never seem to remember. My bank requires me to change my online password every few months. It won't allow me to use a previous password, so every few months I get completely locked out of my online banking. And my cable company, the company that requires me to login to see the bill for my TV, internet, phone, and cell phone service, it has the strangest password requirements known to man. I kid you not, EVERY SINGLE MONTH I have to reset my password because I have no idea what I selected the month before.

There are a few ways to prevent forgetting passwords. You can write them down, keep them in a word document, or allow your browser to remember them.But all of these have limitations, not the least of which being that they aren't exactly safe. What if you can't find where you wrote them down? Or if someone else accesses your word document. What if you aren't at home on your desktop? All of those methods go down the drain.

So now there is an option that is safe, secure, convenient, and accessible from a computer or mobile device. It allows you to memorize one magical password that unlocks all of your passwords on any device you own.  Norton Identity Safe.

And did I mention the best part? It is free. Not just free trial free, but download it now and it is free forever free.

So how does it work? You have a vault of information that is protected by your one password and the protection of Norton, the company that millions of people have trusted to keep their computer safe for years. Your vault contains the login and passwords of all of the accounts that you access. You can enter them in manually or you can just allow Norton Identity Safe to save them while you visit your favorite sites.

In addition to passwords, you can also choose to store your personal information and credit card information so that filling out online forms and checking out online becomes a breeze. And what about other information that you might want safely secured?
There is a place to keeps notes in your vault as well. They can be as innocent as a Christmas list you don't want your kids getting their hands on or pin numbers that you need help remembering but don't want to write down on paper.

After you have entered your informaion, all you have to do is login to your vault:

And click on the site you want to access: 

The shortcut will take you right to the site with your login information already filled in. And if I downstairs and want to pay a few bills using the kids computer in the kitchen, I just login to my vault and all of the passwords are there.  If I am out of town I can do the same thing from my iPad or iPhone. My vault goes with me wherever I go.

So head over and check out Norton Identity Safe. You can read more about of the features and most importantly, download it for free! Then leave me a comment and share a story about a time you forgot or lost your password and you will be entered to win one of five Android Tablets (Samsung Galaxy Tab 2- 10.1-Inch, Wi-Fi) with Norton Mobile Security and Identity Safe installed! Just leave your story in a comment below and you'll be entered in the sweepstakes.

Visit to find other reviews of Norton Identity Safe.

Sweepstakes Rules:
No duplicate comments.
You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw from all participating blogs, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 6/21 – 7/31.


Lisa said...

This is awesome! I use a browser to remember a lot of my passwords, but I always wonder how safe that really is.

DailyDoseofAlli said...

I created a blog in college with such a cute name and design and when I went to revisit it a few months ago and start back up, I can't remember the password! And the e-mail associated with it is dead (bc I graduated and it was my school e-mail) so I can't even get the password recovered! So I have to start from scratch :/ A tool like this Norton thing would be awesome! I'd still have my blog!

- Allison R.

Unknown said...

I keep my passwords written down in a notebook and locked away in a file. Problem is, many times I could not locate the key or I was too lazy to go and write down the new password. I also routinely lock my husband out of our e-mail and other sites. When he is not at home and he needs access he has to call me to get the passwords. I would say on average I have to reset a few of my passwords every month. On top of the required routine password change from banks etc. So, yes, I am heading over and downloading Norton's Identity Safe right now.

Anonymous said...

When my computer broke, I had no idea what my password was for the university library! It was a series of letters and numbers that I had never memorized. Of course this always happens when you need it most--writing that all-so-important final paper.

Lindsey H said...

There are probably around 15 websites that I use regularly that I have to remember passwords to, and I can't stand how nearly every site has their own criteria (length, how many numbers or letters, special characters, etc.) for user names and passwords! The last time I forgot my password I had to go through a zillion security questions that I hadn't even answered before and just ended up getting a new account. Love Norton's idea!

Dreamingof03 - Heather said...

Actually, i restore accounts everyday that have been stolen. Keyloggers and spyware exists but in my specific line of work, i have found that responding to phishing emails or going to fake phishing websites designed to look real or an unsecured email account or shared password is deadly.

Anonymous said...

I have trouble keeping up with all my passwords. I try to make them unique, but someone somewhere has already thought of using that one. Writing them down in a notebook helps.
heatherspooner1981 at gmail dot com

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

I hate trying to remember passwords! I usually end up just using one of two for everything which I know isn't the best idea. I've been locked out from our credit card site because my husband made the password and I tried to guess it a few too many times. Actually, that has happened more than once. hutchyhutch87 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Michelle said...

This is awesome! I have so many passwords and have changed them so many times that I'm constantly resetting them. Checking it out now!

LizziePapa said...

what a great tool! the last time i forgot one of my work passwords i actually had to get in my car and drive to the security building where they wrote down my new password for me because they could not give it to me over the phone! so frustrating!

mekei said...

i forgot my super clever fb password just this week. the password is clever but not me i guess. so i have to have my computer that logs right into it. this would be sooooo convenient.

dagan said...

The Norton Identity Safe is a great idea! The last major password snafu I had was locking myself out of my online payroll system for a few months! I wasn't terribly concerned, because I could check my bank account for the deposit amounts. But I had no clue how much PTO I'd accrued, because my pride prevented me from admitting my mistake! Thankfully HR reset it! Cheers! Mary

Teresa said...

I am forever forgetting either my user name or passwords for various sites. I couldn't tell you how many times I've had to get an email sent to me with a new password, or the old one because I've forgotten what it is.

Joanne said...
jednc @ hotmail .com

Joanne said...

This looks really helpful. So much better than my little paper spiral notebook that I keep things written down on.
jednc @ hotmail .com

Ashley said...

i seriously forget my passwords all of the time. One time it was for a photo account i really needed pictures from, and I had to spend 2 hours figuring it out. So annoying!

Mom of Three Wonderful Children said...

My passwords are familiar to me because they are of importance for some reason. The persona tie is the only way I would remember them.

Jamie Leigh Martin said...

Forgetting my passwords is the story of my life; my dad says he just keeps them in a notepad, which is a bad idea!

Jamie Leigh Martin said...

Unknown said...

It took me a good 45 minutes to remember what my password was to the blog I set up and (finally!) started using. This sounds like a good option for my scatterbrain!

Tammy said...

What a great alternative to trying to remember all of my passwords. Thanks for the info!

Julie Spear said...

I have forgotten passwords SO many times. the worst time, was for the main program we used for work. I was afraid to admit to anyone (Supervisor, IT etc) that I had forgotten it, because I didn't want them to think I was the WORST employee ever... but, it was a password THEY had assigned TO me, so it was hard for me to remember. I finally had no choice but to have the password re-set and I was mortified! I wrote the new one down, but that is so unsafe. it finally got imbedded in my brain after a couple months, though. GREAT Give-away. I could SO use a tablet, as I currently don't have any computer of my own to use, I have been borrowing one here and there - so THANKS for offering this!!! GOOD LUCK everyone....
OH - and your blog is awesome, too! following you on my Google Reader account

Kelly Massman said...

So far, I haven't forgotten a password for anything important and I do have too many different ones! Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!

erika said...

I used to work at a job that required me to change my passwords every so many months. I would get totally lost trying to remember them for all the different programs!

erika said...


Kari said...

I always forget my passwords so this looks particularly useful!

Kari said...

Shae & Kristin Reber said...

I think I am super cautious about my passwords. I don't type or write them down anywhere or let my browser remember them. They are usually a bunch of about 10 random letters and numbers and are fairly similar to each other. My husband, on the other hand, uses simple words like 'cat' or numbers like '1234' as his passwords. He thinks I am crazy to have such hard to remember passwords and he hates when he has to log in to sites to pay bills or whatever because it always takes him a couple of tries to actually type the correct one. It drives me crazy that he uses something so simple as protection on our important accounts. I am always going into his accounts and 'beefing' up his passwords a little! haha This would be absolutely perfect for us. What a brilliant idea!

Shae & Kristin Reber said...

Oh, my email is
My personal blog is private and I don't have my profile public either. I always forget to add my email to the comments. :)

Kim said...

This giveaway is awesome. It's always so difficult to remember the dozens of passwords needed nowadays.

rickimoo said...

I am so bad at remembering my passwords! I have a rolladex on my desk at home with my passwords written down or I would be in some trouble. I would love to win a tablet. I want one so bad.

Jessi said...

It's always that ONE important time I need to get in a website, that I forget the password. I always forget the password for ILP!

Jessi said...


cathay said...

What a fantastic idea....I'm heading to do it now!

cathay said...

Fantastic idea...I'm terrible at passwords

Randi said...

I usually forget new passwords, and the ones that require special characters and all that. I recently thought I was being proactive and changed my e-mail password, this lead to me trying too many different passwords and getting locked out. It's so frustrating...but I hope i win!

JRS said...

I have the hardest time remembering my Army Knowledge Online password. They force me to change it constantly, you cant use any of your past ten passwords and it has to be crazy long.

Unknown said...

I dont usually forget passwords because i tend to use the same ones all the time but i know that’s not the safest way to do it

Unknown said...


moonsword said...

We lost the password to our computer several years ago and finally had to call in several favors from a computer-genius-friend. He was able to get into the system and restore it after a couple of days. Always, always write it down in several places! or tattoo it on your leg, whichever is easier. ;)

Frugal Mom from California said...

I forgot my bank account password once. And I forgot and still didn't recover one of my email accounts password

Frugal Mom from California said...

Amy said...

I'm just happy that I'm not not remembering and have to reset my passwords every month. I think I have at least 50 different accounts that require passwords and some that I don't log-in often enough, I just have to re-set the passwords every single time. Quite frustrating when you are in a rush trying to get things done. This sounds like the perfect product for me.

amy [at] utry [dot] it

Amy said...

tweeted about this giveaway:

amy [at] utry [dot] it

Elise said...

There have been so many times that I've forgotten passwords. Most notably my PayPal password. I never can seem to remember that one. :p

Amanda Smith said...

Oh gosh this would be perfect for me. I'm so bad at remembering that I make all of my passwords the same. Sounds safe huh? :(
liveafabulesslife (at) yahoo (dot) com

Amanda Smith said...

I tweeted this!


Anonymous said...

I forgot my password when I was applying for loans for my college tuition. I had to wait 5 days before I received a new password and just got in on the deadline to apply. I felt really frustrated and helpless. I now write down all of my passwords.

pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

pokergrl8 at

Katherine said...

This seems like just the thing I need. I hate having to keep up with all those passwords! I need a tablet too so I would really love to win!

Carolyn G said...

I was sick and access my work emaila nd forgot it. SO I had to reset it but then when I got back to work, I forgot it again. It is so frustrating!

JC said...

I change my pswd like every two months and keep in my pocket note. Not to mention when I lost my purse, I can't even log into my daily email account! It was totally a tragedy to miss important appointments. Then I had to wait for a week after several processes to get a new account/pswd.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...

cw said...

I find it frustrating when websites have crazy rules for your passwords, like must be 10 letters/number, include 1 capital, 1 symbol, and 1 number....I can never remember that when I go back to the website when I try to get in and my usual password variations don't work. I hate it when they block you out after 3 trys too!!

Karina said...

i always forget my passwords

karinaroselee at gmail dot com

Karina said...

karinaroselee at gmail dot com

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

I have forgotten my password for my bank account and been locked out! It's awful!

sharonjo said...

I admit I'm one of those people who tends to use the same password for too many different sites--not a good idea I know. My husband was trying to apply for a hunting license just last night and couldn't remember his password, or even his user name or the email account he had used at the site before. We finally gave up and started a brand new account. This Norton Identity Safe is something we both need to install--pronto!

sharonjo at gwtc dot net

sharonjo said...


sharonjo at gwtc dot net

sy said...

I've been trying to remember my password to change the credit card I use for auto payment, I could get much better rewards by using another credit card. I just downloaded norton in case this happens again. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

sy said...

songyueyu at gmail

Anonymous said...

I'm always forgetting my passwords because I have so many online accounts and each one seems to require a different combination of letters, numbers, caps, etc. I have to write them down to keep track and I know that defeats a lot of the purpose of having a password, so this would really help me out!

Melia said...

I am constantly forgetting my passwords and therefore changing them. It is getting to be a hassle and my hubby is getting annoyed. Sounds like our problems could be solved with this program.

Mandee said...

I have made not one but two blogs and can't remember the email or password for either. This might be a perfect solution for remembering all those dang passwords!

Stephanie Ann said...

shared on twitter -

Stephanie Ann said...

I once lost my password to my internet connection. when I tried to sign up with a brand new laptop I couldn't connect because I forgot the password! It took me forever to figure it out!

Table4Five said...

I installed a plugin on my blog that required a API key. I used to use, so I have an account there. But for the life of me, I couldn't remember the login and password! And I couldn't have the info sent to me because the email address I used back then is no longer active. I finally had to email customer service and explain the whole situation to them to get the password reset!

StephanieC said...

i forgot my credit card password last week and it took forever to get it reset! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

StephanieC said... scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Asmaa said...

Oh i am the person with most accounts and most passwords ! , and the most forgetful person , i have been looking for something like this . As my solution for this problem had been to keep a note sticking on the screen in sticky notes. Worst part everyone who has access to my computer has access to all passwords!. I will definitely download and try it now.

Anash said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anash said...

it seems like once a week i am always using the : forgot your password featurer! this would be great! Thanks for a super giveaway!

My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Julie E said...

This is a great product! I don't min logging into all the different website I need, but having a one click option would be SO nice.

Julie E said...

Amy said...

Great Idea - I've got password cheet sheets but it never fails...I'll forget to change a password on the cheet sheet! Love Norton products...I imagine this one is as good as their others!

Liz said...

I love this idea! One password to save them all! LOL no wonder I love norton!

Simone Marisa Anderson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simone Marisa Anderson said...

My Tweet:

Jennifer said...

I finally had to start writing down usernames and passwords in a notebook because I kept forgetting mine. I have gotten myself locked out of my insurance and utility websites when I was trying to pay a bill.

ky2here said...

I forgot my password for my insurance company so I was unable to reorder my prescription Rxs.

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said...

ky2here at msn dot com

peg42 said...

My kids schools have a site for parents where you go online and get notices, grading and report cards. Recently, I lost our password and needed to get the school to help me reset the password.



peg42 said...

I tweeted:
Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I often forget my passwords as I've often heard it's bad to have the same password for everything, so this sounds like it would work wonder's and I can feel secure about keeping up with passwords.

slb3334 said...

I hate trying to remember all my passwords.

nickieisis3 said...

I often forget passwords and end up reseting them.


sohamolina said...

Mysharona said...

I forgot my password for my email account at work as we had to change it weekly and could not get email until Monday when tech support could be reached.

akronugurl said...

i change my passwords every month

akronugurl said...


clc408 said...

It was certainly annoying to be without email on vacation because I forgot my password.

clc408 said...


Crystal F said...

I've forgotten mine for my banking website and had to call and go through a ton of stuff to get it changed. It was such a hassle. Thank you!!

crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

julis55 said...

I forget my passwords at work weekly.

Jeanette H. said...

Lately, I to have been having password problems. My credit card keeps locking me out because I supposedly do not have the correct password. I don't have any idea why, i know it used to be simple. I got locked out last month too, I think that's the problem. I got locked out last month, they changed it and now i don't know it...ugh!


Gina M (crave to save) said...


gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

Gina M (crave to save) said...

Once I forgot the password to my online billpay service and my bank locked up my account. I had to call in order to get everything reset...such a pain!

Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

Jenn said...

I am constantly forgetting passwords. I also have a really bad habit of using the same one for all my accounts.

nyyfan09 said...

I've had some trouble in the past with trying to remember passwords to websites that I had signed up to, unless I had wrote them down right away or made it something easy to remember if I visited them on a regular basis. This prize would come in very handy, so that I wouldn't have to worry about remembering passwords ever again.

Tabathia B said...

Well I forgot my bank password and I tried so many different ones that I use for other log ins that it locked me out and I had to call the bank the next day to sort it out

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I tweeted


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I lost my ebay password and could not get my info for an auction I was doing not fun
vmkids3 at msn dot com

susanigan's said...

My college website requires that we change passwords each semester. I would forget the password over the summer so I set them up to coincide with something about each semester that I could easily remember. Norton would help to keep track of the passwords in one safe place.

Mrs. Schmid said...

I have passwords written down. I've lost track of my list once and had trouble getting into many websites. It was not a lot of fun and I think this is a great alternative!

Miranda Ward said...

Losing My password to my bank account and having to call the bank a few times a month its mortifying!

Amy Anderson said...

This isn't my story, but I was just talking to my mom about it last night. My grandfather passed away a month ago, and since then my grandmother has locked herself out of her online bank account no less than 10 times (he used to pay the bills and now she has to do it). Each time she locks herself out, she has to call the bank helpline to unlock her, and it takes them an hour to walk her through resetting it. It's crazy.

alittlenosh AT

rayreadb said...

I forget so much that I gave up and write them all down now.

Anonymous said...

I locked up my bank account once on a friday and couldn't get it fixed until Monday. It was a nightmare. I am queenesperfect at

Unknown said...

I forget my pin number quite often and have to call my husband so that he can remind me! (

Unknown said...

I Tweeted (

kyl neusch said...

never forgot passwords

MichelleS said...

I rarely forget my password, but I do often forget the security question answers because I do not want them to be "easy". The biggest mistake people make is making their password security questions answers similar to stuff they post online social networking sites.

K. Messerly said...

Scheduling doctor appointments for my children via the website can be so frustrating when I forget each family member's unique password...especially when there is some serious puke happening down the hall!

Frances said...

Are you kidding me? How can I have seven different passwords to remember and rotate? Ridiculous. I am not able to go to the physical library, so I check out ebooks. I goofed my password and was locked out forever. This is an amazing idea, have to check it out.

Keri said...

I haven't lost a password yet because I have one password that is the same for most things but a little different for others. I know that isn't very safe to do but I'm so worried about not remembering my password. Norton would really help me make my stuff more secure!

Anonymous said...

I always used Roboform (a password/form filler) so when I lost my computer and got a new one a few years back. When I went to enter all my usual sites, I found that there were a couple that I had not saved the passwords for and on top of that, they were older sites I had visited for years and used a totally different email address for as well, I was never able to get back into one of those sites. Even with reregistering I could not get in because all the rest of my info was the same so it insisted I was already registered.

Princess Golden Hair said...

I was just tired of losing my passwords and obviously you shouldn't write them on a sticky and put it on the computer which is what I did.. Hello breached facebook account

teechbiz at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted

Princess Golden Hair said...

I tweeted about this giveaway

Ellie Wright said...

I have my passwords saved on my computer. Once my computer died and with it my passwords. I had a heck of a time remembering all my passwords when I got a new computer.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...


ms-texas said...

i hate passwords! I’m always forgetting them and its really a pain having to reset them, answer your security questions and all!

debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

ms-texas said...

i tweeted here:

debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

Tamar said...

Honestly, I have forgotten a specific instance, but I'm so thankful for "Forgot password?" because without that, I'd be in trouble ;)


Anonymous said...

I use a piece of software to store my passwords. Between that and the "forgot password?" option on most sites I'd be lost. Especially since it's best to have a separate password for each site!

Claire said...

A more amazing story would be to tell you of the few times when I've actually remembered my passwords!

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I HATE PASSWORDS! LOL Seriously, they make me nuts. I am always having to change them or create them and the rules for creating them are getting more and more rediculous like having to use lower and upper case and numbers and symbols all in one password! How am I ever supposed to remember them? I don't! LOL Most recently I forgot the password to get into my gmail account so that I could leave this very comment!!! LOL Luckily I had it written down!
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I lost my password to an online payment website. I had to call for a new one and wait days.

Anonymous said...

chrisdeglen tweeted:

MCantu1019 said...

The perfect place to leave all my passwords. I keep forgetting them so it will e nice to find them all in one place.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com

slehan said...

I've been lucky since a friend told me about Roboform about 10 years ago. It's been keeping my login and passwords safe and handy for that long. It also generates passwords for new sites.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan said...


Anonymous said...

I forget my passwords every time I clear the cookies on my computer. I put this off just because of this!

Christina said...

Christina - - Once I couldn't remember a certain password for hours, and that night I DREAMED it!

Unknown said...

passwords are so over rated, I am always forgetting mine. The bank password is the worst to remember. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Unknown said...


Betty C said...

I usually end up forgetting the passwords for sites I only use once in a while. This would be so handy for those sites I want to have available but don't access regularly.

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Betty C said...

Tweet -

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

Kathy P said...

I use to be so good at remembering all my passwords for many different sites same with account number for different credit cards and such.since being diagnosed with lyme disesase in april I have noticed I have a hard time remembering my passwords which use to come so is very frustrating kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com

Kathy P said...

Sarah said...

My e-mail got hacked using an open wifi connection at the beach last year so I changed my password to something so complicated that I can’t remember it when I travel and want to check e-mail on other’s computers.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been locked out forgetting my pin while traveling on business and it’s next to impossible to get back until you go back home. I’ve been stuck in a long line of coffee once which was not fun!

miriama said...

The worst time was trying to get into my bank account. I couldn't remember my password, couldn't find where I wrote it down. Big hassle.

miriama said...

Ashlee Marie said...

what a great idea! I change my password once a year, but use the same one for everything, and my husband always tells me how bad it is!

Erica C. said...

I forgot my password on my laptop for 2 weeks...I finally figured it out but it drove me nuts!

Valeen said...

I use several different passwords and one time used the wrong one. It locked me out and I had to contact customer support and get back on. Drove me crazy!

marjeannie said...

So many different passwords! I've been locked out of a work one and had to call for a password reset.

Mari said...

I forgot my password when I was on vacation. Luckily my dh was at home and he retrieved it for me!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said...

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

susansmoaks said...

i forget my passwords all the time, most recently at work i had to call and have it reset to logon on to the bank for work to deposit the checks, it was embarrassing
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

sottovoce said...

I was attempting to pay a bill, one that was late, and I kept inputting the wrong password until I was locked out. Ugh!
Thank you

brich2222 said...

always forget my bank password because it is so complicated. Got locked out after guessing too many times!

brich22 at earthlink dot net

brich2222 said...

brich22 at earthlink dot net

Kerry said...

At work I have 6 different passwords and I forget at least one of them daily! Wish they would let us just have one password for everything!

Kerry said...


buzzd said...

I try to make hard passwords but always forget them so have to click on the forgot password button. Then I tried to put them down in code to prompt my memory but that doesn't work.

Unknown said...

I have so many passwords for different things, last year it took me 2hrs to figure out my fantasy football password

Chelsea said...

I am constantly forgetting passwords. The "forgot password" button is my best friend. (

Wilson20 said...

That is so funny, that happens to me every month with my electric company.
I have all the passwords saved on a word document on my laptop now and its on the desktop. I worry sometimes that if my laptop is ever lost or stolen that someone will have access to all our information.

dianawilson20 (at) aol (dot) com