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Painted Boxes

I saw this image on La Dolce Vita:

She was showing off the FLOR rug, but I love the painted boxes under the table.  The caught my eye because they were orange (and you could make a cute stack of jack-o-lanterns with them).  But I think this is a fun way to add a colorful accent to a room.  And a pretty inexpensive way at that.


Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

What a fab idea with the boxes. I love the rug too. I want a Flor rug! :)

Unknown said...

i mean, gorgeous room! and it's possible those are hermes boxes. they look like it, which means...chaching baby! lol

Lorie said...

Meaghan, I think the Hermes boxes have a black stripe around the edge. But I don't doubt that that is what they were trying to make them look like!