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PVC Pipe Frame

This cute mirror looks like it is made of bubbles. I think it would be fun in a kids bathroom:

The bubbles are actually pieces of PVC pipe. You can check out the tutorial on DIY and see how easy it is to make with some cut PVC and PVC adhesive.


Mango Mom said...

I just love this idea, I saw this just yesterday on DIY. I love your blog, I just ran into it, you have alot of great ideas.

Unknown said...

me likey. then again i like anything bubilicious.

Anonymous said...

oh that is so cute!

Cynthia said...

My BIL made a faux chain maile vest out of PVC 'links' that he sprayed silver. It was for his fancy "Lord of the Rings" Aragon costume.

The Redhead Riter said...

That frame looks like something my daughter would just love!

Thank you!

Stopping by to let you know you're on my blog ♥ list!

Have a great Saturday!

Just SO said...

This is TOO dang cute!!! I love this. *wracking my brain on how to use this*

Amy Jo said...

cool bubble idea! I could do that in my kid's bathroom around the boring mirror that's on the wall...