So you know all my ranting about cutting things out with cookie cutters! I wanted to show you that I really am that obsessed with cookie cutters:



and dessert!
We went out to lunch and I resisted the urge to take the cookie cutters with us.
MMmmmm, can I come over to your house next year?? Those all look scrum-diddly-umptious!
Hi there, Lorie! Looks like you guys had a great Valentine's Day!
Thanks for visiting my lil ol' blog, also.
I LOVE yours!!!
Love this! I smuggle my own non-deep-fat-fried chips into Mexican restaurants but I've never thought about taking in my own cookie cutters. I will now, though. Thanks for the chuckle.
heehee...too cute! No, no cookie cutters here, but we DID break out the food dye- pink milk, pink pancakes... mmm :)
Myrnie, Pink is good too.
Yummy!! Could you come to my house and make those for us. JK
That's awesome, Lorie. No heart shape stuff over here!
my valentine needs to come take cooking lessons from you.
Yes, I used mine. and I thought of you the whole time I was cooking.
If you would have taken the cutter to lunch, you would be my hero. I heart people who use cookie cutters. (sorry for the pun) I am DYING for little boy to get big so we can make shaped stuff together.
Love the fondant recipe.
I DID I DID! I used them to make your December Sugar Cookie recipe and pink frosting...yum!! I have two whole cookies left now from the 30 or so that I was able to make! :)
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