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Make Your Own Girl Scout Cookies

I sort of have a love affair with Girl Scout Cookies. I am sure part of it has to do with the whole law of supply and demand. I mean you can only get those little boxes of joy once a year! They are special!

When I was in my last semester of college (and pregnant with The Boy) the Girl Scouts had a table on the campus of ASU selling cookies. I am pretty sure they are responsible for about 10 of the lbs I gained during that pregnancy and I was responsible for funding one of those young girls trips to Disneyland or whatever they use their fundraiser funds for. Yes, I ate that many Girl Scout cookies. I once finished of an entire box of TagALongs walking from one end of campus to the other. There are witnesses. And no I did not share my cookies! Sorry Candice.

So, what I did not need to know is that Baking Bites has the recipes to make your own Girl Scout Cookies.

Like Thin Mints

And Samoas

and DoSiDos

And TagALongs (which happen to be the best cookies that ever existed hands down!!)

I may just have to make these for Valentine's Day. For myself of course. Because I don't share Girl Scout Cookies.


Ashlee said...

I loooooove Samoas! When I was pregnant with my first, my mother bought me an ENTIRE CASE of samoas! I ate every last one and still get excited when I see their stands every year!

Now, I can make my own anytime!

Christine said...

I adore Girl Scout cookies. Thank you so much for the links!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I've seen copycats but none this great! Thanks for sharing.

Lorie said...

My Hubby loves Somoas. I think the only reason we are still married is because I actually don't like them. (Not a huge fan of coconut's texture) and we don't have to share girl scout cookies!

Lesley said...

stopping by from SITS...and Tag a longs...are my kryptonite....If I'm around butt automatically gets them too....

Brooke said...

Ohhh, thanks for sharing the link with us! There is nothing better than a frozen thin mint. Well, except for a Samoa. Or a tag a long. Or those yummy peanut butter ones. Anyway, thanks again!

Jenners said...

OH MY GOD! This is just information that I did not need to know ... but I'm unbelievably excited to have this valuable information in my grubby little paws! When I saw the title and was clicking my way over here, I was chanting "Please let there be Thin Mints. Please let there be Thin Mints." YES! And Samoas ... my other fave!

And it is just about that time, isn't it? The "most wonderful time of the year..."

LOVE THIS! Will be linking to this soon!

Amie said...

Hmmm...for some reason I've never been all that enthralled with them. I think it mostly has to do with the price. $4 for like 13 cookies...hard to shell out the dough. But I do, to support my neighbor's kiddos. That bottom cookie looks good anyway!

mysteryhistorymom said...

Tagalongs are the BEST!! Why did they have to change the names of the cookies, though? They will always be tagalongs to me.:) Can't wait to try these recipes! Thanks so much! Lori

Rebecca said...

Oh my God! You're the devil for sharing this! THANKS SO MUUUUUCH!

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Lorie,
Thanks for visiting my TT post and your kind words. I do appreciate it!

~WOW~ You are really making me want GS cookies. I must find some ASAP!

Have a wonderful day!
~Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

I love Girl Scout coookies! I hardly ever pass them up.

Michelle said...

I think this is your most dangerous post to date.......

Jillene said...

I LOVE you for this post--LOVE LOVE you!!

Becca said...

Mmmmm....Thin Mints :)

Jen @ said...

Oh my gosh! I haven't been this excited for quite a while! I am addicted to Girl Scout Cookies! And those look BETTER than the originals.

I am going to check out that link. I hope you don't mind if I also blog about this. It is such exciting news! I will link back to your site.

Thanks again!


Tricia said...

Oh, thanks a lot! (said in my most sarcastic voice) Just what I need, another temptation. I CAN NOT resist a girl scout cookie. The samoas are to die for...must pretend that I never saw this post! :)

Anonymous said...

air high five! thank you!!!!!! also I came to your site today to find valentines day crafts. please let there be some!

Anonymous said...

I could kiss you for finding this and sharing it with us!

tammy said...

I have a sign by my front door that says, "No Soliciting - unless you're selling Girl Scout cookies."

Thanks for sharing these!

LunaMoonbeam said...

umm...thank you? Is that even PC?! Thank you for giving us these links...but my thighs hate you forever! :-D

your blog is beautiful, btw.

Honey Mommy said...

I am seriously going to pretend I didn't see this post! Otherwise I am going to gain 30 pounds!

Laura said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! The G.S. cookies are made in my city, and I used to do consulting work for Little Brownie Bakers. I've eaten more Samoas than should be legal! I just ordered from two girls who came to the door. Can't wait until March when they arrive!

Erin said...

Holy cow you are evil for posting these!!!

Erin said...

Holy cow you are evil for posting these!!!

Debbie said...

Tagalongs are God's gift to us. We should eat them at any opportunity. Thank you for this link!

MammaDucky said...

One year, my Mom was the cookie Mom for our troop. Do you know what that means? I"ll tell you what that means. It means that our garage was stacked floor to ceiling with glorious Girl Scout Cookies. Our garage smelled of Girl Scout Cookies for months after. How fabulous!!

Lorie said...

I would end up owing people hundreds of dollars for all the girl scout cookies I ate that OTHER people ordered if they were sitting in my garage!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, thank you so much! Just a few days ago I was talking with a friend about how we wish there was a way to make our own Samoas. I can't wait to try these!!!

Anonymous said...

How rude- I made these cookies for my husband's birthday, and wrote a rave review to all my family reading the family cooking blog...and never even commented! The samoa cookies are AMAZING- thanks for sharing!

Amy said...

Yum! Thanks for these recipes! I will have to try them! I absolutely love tagalogs too.

Anonymous said...

I love you. My diet hates you.

Future Emily Love said...

Mmm...I can't WAIT to make these!

Candice said...

I don't know how I missed this post!

As soon as I saw the title of your more recent post on girl scout cookies, my mind immediately went back to that day at ASU. I had to laugh that you wrote about that!

But, I think that you left out part of the story- I am pretty sure that I had a box of Samoa's! Unfortunately I didn't have the pregnancy excuse!

But I do now- I think I need to start baking (or find a girl scout)!