It makes for a day full of memories, but it also makes for exhausted parents and kids that never get to just enjoy where they are without being ushered to the next party.
The problem is that the things I am willing to give up and the things my husband is willing to give up are different. And so we continue to do it all.
One of my husbands favorites parts of the day is dinner in Heber. We stay the night and enjoy a nice day (usually playing in a little snow) the next morning.
Last year my father-in-law spent an hour outside pushing the kids down a little hill of snow on a disc sled thing (I have no idea what it is called!)

This year my husband wasn't able to get the day after Christmas off from work and so we probably won't be going up to Heber. This might be the year to trim down the traditions so that we can make a new tradition of being at home together and relaxing for part of the day.
We will have to see how that goes! Wish me luck!
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
holy crap, I'm exhausted just reading that! Good luck with the new traditions! They're cool :)
and that thing is called a 'saucer' I believe. At least that's what WE called it as kids.
I'll have to keep you posted when I finally get round to describing how our latest tradition of having our Christmas brunch in our PJ's came about.
tradition is a special part of the seaon, but remember all traditions had to start somewhere... so you staying home and ralxing amy be the newest tradition of them all.... good luck and God bless....
I have family in Heber!
New traditions will be fun, I'm sure. Enjoy creating new ones.
That is just plain EXHAUSTING!! But then again I completely understand how you both have a difference of opinion on which is more important! I hope it all works out!!
I used to have a yellow disc sled thingy--LOVED it!! It gave me many great memories!!
Sounds fun, but exhausting. Hope it all works out!
Wow, definitely a full plate for you. I think it's good to trim down especially around the holidays so hopefully this will work out for you!
New traditions are always fun...and staying home to relax sounds kind of blissful to me!
You did get some great shots last year though!
good luck!
i'm sure you'll enjoy some relaxing, after all your running around.
Erin, in Heber AZ? Or Heber UT?
It is so HARD to not do it all though. I really like everything we do. I just don't like being exhausted when the day is over!!
Aw, but traditions are what make the holidays go round!
Great pictures Lori!
thats a busy christmas to be sure; just keep the really important things. =) I'm sure you'll be disappointed to not get to Heber this year, but it gives you a bit of time down here to relax. I think you already know my hubby's working every holiday this year. So we're not really celebrating until the weekend after. We'll make it work.
On another note, I have some old friends who all grew up in Heber. What's your hubby's name?
It sounds like a fun/busy/exhausting time. Every year is different for us. It all depends on my husband's work schedule. We usually spend Christmas day at home playing with all our new toys.
Too many traditions is tough. Last year was our first official...nuh-uh, not gonna do it or go anywhere on the day of Christmas. I enjoyed it, but did miss the sounds, faces, and smells of our loved ones.
It was a total PJ day in toyland for us.
Finding the right recipe to make your holiday perfect is tough. I say just make the most of whatever you do or wherever you are.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will be totally checking out the Oreos, sister. As ummmmmm, I have 2 packs of double stuffed Halloween Oreo packages confiscated from my 2 sets of grubby toddler hands!!!
.mac :)
Sounds like the new tradition will be very relaxing.
Wow! That is a busy holiday! But, I'll bet it's beautiful in Heber on Christmas Day (when isn't it pretty up there?)
I think the technical term really is "disc sled thing"
Good job!
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