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Cupcake in a Jar Tutorial

Cake in A Jar from Beehive and Birds Nest

By now I am sure you have all seen the cute cupcakes baked inside of mason jars, but i have never seen a tutorial on how to actually MAKE one.  I assume it is pretty similar to baking any old cake, but there are a few tips, and Jennie from Beehive and Birds Nest shares them with you.

And she even shows you how to turn it into a yummy Teacher Appreciation gift too.

You can see her tutorial HERE.  She even gives you her red velvet cake recipe!


sherri lynn said...

I love this idea! I need to come up with a reason to make a bunch of these...

PC said...

I heard about cake in a mug..but in a jar... instant packaging for a gift! Super Brilliant!

Lorie said...

Sherri Lynn, you still have time to make the moms you know! ;D

oviya said...

Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!

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