I am going to be a Grandma for the first time soon. To say I'm excited is to put it mildly!
So when my daughter asked me to help her decorate the nursery, of course I jumped at the chance.
The problem?

My son-in-law is a HUGE Florida State fan and he has asked that my grandson's room be a Seminoles room - decked out in their colors of garnet and gold. This is where my daughter is a much better wife than me...she said yes. This has proven to be a huge challenge. There isn't much baby stuff in garnet and gold! Oh and have I mentioned that the budget is ....CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP? They live in a rental so paining the walls is out of the question. We worked on the nursery this weekend and I have to tell you..it is starting to come together! I found this dust ruffle for $1.00 at that Habitat yard sale that I got the ugly lamps.
Now putting the dust ruffle on the bed in the room that needs a dust ruffle would seem like the easy answer, but my daughter and I didn't like that...so we made them into curtains!
Here's how we did it. We had to start with some visualization by hanging the dust ruffle on the widow. The dust ruffle idea actually came after I first hung a dish towel up there for some inspiration. Trust me, this looked much better.
My daughter doesn't own a sewing machine or even a seam ripper, so we had to get creative! First, I simply cut the patterned part of the fabric off the dust ruffle.
Next I ironed the fabric with a heavy starch, and cut it to just beyond width of the windows. My daughter didn't want the curtains too gathered - this is a boy's room and she thought the gathered approach looked "girly". So we kept the curtains pretty straight across. Since I didn't have a sewing machine, I simply ironed the "hem" on the side of the curtain and top of the curtain. (The bottom already had a hem since it was the bottom of the dust ruffle.) My daughter had found some curtain rods on clearance at Target, and we bought some cheap rings to hang the curtains. Here's the finished product!
They were so easy and really have inspired us for the rest of the room... I will keep you updated as this room evolves...and my son-in-law's smile gets even bigger... Have you ever made curtains out of a dust ruffle or something else creative?
I will now be on the lookout for dust ruffles because this is just what my breakfast area needs. Maybe not in Seminole orange...
You can check out more of for Dianne's beautiful work at The Inspired Housewife and you can follow her on Twitter HERE.
How about UT orange??? Yuck!
As a Nole AND a Vol- HEY! My craft room is UT orange (& white polka dots) & it's glorious :o) We are going to make my husband's office a tasteful garnet & gold room- this is a great idea! Target has some cheap dust ruffles in lots of colors.
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