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Rainbow Stuffed French Toast

I fell in love with Amanda and her blog after seeing these rainbow pancakes:

And now she has made a French toast in beautiful rainbow colors:

I can't wait to try these out!!  You can get the recipe over at I Am Mommy.


Amie said...

So so pretty!

Unknown said...

French toast is so clever! Definitely tucking this one away!

hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

I have a pretty yummy pancake recipe on my blog, Scissors and a Whisk. It has blueberries in it, but definitely not as colorful.

Thanks for sharing!

Tracy said...

Just gorgeous! How creative!

naomi {@bakersroyale} said...

Lovely! And I love Amanda's baked good!

LouAnneL said...

My kiddos would love that!

Wenderly said...

Now this would be sure to make any frown turn up-side-down!

Moore Minutes said...

Oh wow! Amazing. I'm saving this one!

Jodi Nelson said...

The French Toast looks so yummy!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

Is Amanda the COOLEST, or what?!?!?

Anonymous said...

These really are cool!

alicia said...


Diane Schmidt said...

I love all her rainbow creations!!!

BJJ said...

That is the coolest thing ever! What a good way to get kiddos to eat a healthy breakfast... and that's GOTTA BE FUN to make! right? this post made me happy.

Anonymous said...

oh! please tell me how you get those colored pancakes.. i´ve already try and end with dirty colored ones.. not yummy at all!