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Make Your Own Plaque

I found these cute plaques at Glitter and Bliss:

How cute and easy! Even if you don't like the pattern, you can use the idea. Take a piece of MDF (or wood if you have it around) and drill a couple of holes in the top. Find a piece of patterned paper or fabric that you love and use decoupage to glue it to the wood and then coat. Tie some ribbon through the hole to hang it by and you have yourself a super easy piece of home decor!


Amy said...

My friends and I made something similar to this a couple months ago, except that we put pieces of metal sheeting on too, and made cute little magnets to match. I'm going to use mine as a chores board, and my friend used hers to hang little pictures of her kids on.

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

When the title of this came up in my reader, I totally thought it said "plague" and I wondered who would really want to make one of those.

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Those are great! Very pretty. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Restoration House Interiors said...

I LOVE THIS! I have a ton of fabrics I could do this for that mdf and saw...hmmm...thanks for sharing!