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What have I been missing

This morning when I woke up my husband had been watching the news. They did a segment on company logos and images that were hidden in them. At first when he was telling me about it I though he meant some sort of weird subliminal messages. And I was thinking GREAT! What garbage have they been putting in my head? But they were actually images that were PART of the logo that people just miss.

I am sure you have seen the FedEx logo. It just says FedEx right? Wrong. Anyone see the image (shape) in the FedEx logo:

And Amazon. You see that arrow. I never once paid attention to what it was pointing too. Do you know?

And then there is Baskin Robbins. I never really liked their new logo. I didn't like that they moved away from the whole 31 flavors thing either. Or did they:

Do you see them? Did you see them before this post? Did I open up a whole new world of....well...staring at logos for hours to see if you are missing something... for you? I know I did for me!

And in case you can't see them..flip your screen over to read the answers:


Paula said...

Cool and now I know...

MamabearMills said...

great///i knopw what imdoing at naptime! thanks a lot! lol

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I saw none of those until I read the upside down answers. So what exactly does that mean for their marketing?

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

LOL, i always thought the Amazon was a smirk.

E said...

I would have never know that, very cool!

Kristina P. said...

Very cool! I thought this was going to be all crazy and subversive, like all the F words that are subliminal in the Disney movies.

Mrs Anne said...

wow... isnt that all so interesting!

:) thanks for the fun fact!

Camille and Luke said...

Wow that's cool! The only one I could see before reading the answers was the 31. How cool tho! Thanks! Camille

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

I knew about the 31, but you know what's sad? I couldn't see the arrows in FedEx and Amazon because I was too busy trying to figure out what was phallic or sexual about them.
(Blame marketing classes that bombarded up with examples of subliminal advertising from the

Charmaine said...

I knew about the FedEx one from a book a read about logo design. I find logo design fascinating. There are lots of little things like that in many many logos. So fun!

Becky said...

I found out about the FedEx logo a few years ago and now it's ALL I see whenever it appears!

I've actually never seen that Baskin Robbins logo before; that's cool, but I love the fact that Amazon's smiley is pointing from A to Z. That's just awesome!

Melanie said...

WOW! How did I miss those?!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I had no idea!

Jo said...

Ok, I got the 31 but totally missed out on the other two ~ I'm either exhausted or just out of it!


Precision Quality Laser said...

I knew about the FedEx logo..never noticed the Amazon one (and even after looking at it I didn't get it...LOL)...don't go out for icecream so I haven't seen the new Baskin and Robbins logo (although I did see the pink 31 in it :) ) I love things like this!

Maleen said...

On my husband's 31st birthday, we went to Baskin Robbin's and I was really bummed that they didn't have a 31 anymore in the logo. It took us a while, but we eventually found it.

I didn't know what the Amazon arrow was for, so that was a fun fact.

jori-o said...

Ha! I always thought the Amazon sign was a smirky little smile beause they (supposedly) made folks happy.

Amie said...

here's my thought...if they're subliminal and someone has to point them out to us, are they necessarily effective? I knew the Fed Ex one, but I thought the Amazon one was just inferring a smile. lol

Lorie said...

Becky, my husband and I were talking on the way to Costco tonight and the arrow in the FedEx logo is all we see now too!

And I thought the Amazon arrow was just a smile too!

Anonymous said...

Have never noticed the hidden msgs, but I did figure out 2 of the 3...just couldn't get the FedEx one. :} Funky!

Marla said...

this is so awesome i had to twit about it!

janice said...

Here's a few more you may enjoy-
I never noticed the arrow in the FedEx logo until then!

Sara F. said...

I knew the Baskin Robbins, but I sure missed the others. I'm sure I knew subconciously, though....;-)

HollyB said...

Hey those are pretty cool. I changed the name of my blog, so make sure you update your feed, if you follow us. Hope you do, we love your blog!

new blog

Dee-Zigns Handcrafted Jewelry said...

Cool post! I didn't see the FedEx or Amazon until I read your answers, then it still took a while to see the FedEx arrow :).

The Adventure of Linds and Lyds! said...

you are not alone, i had no clue!!!

Michelle said...

I am just amazed that you wrote the answers upside down. You are one crazy lady.

Renee said...

I never noticed any of these before. Thanks.

Katie said...

You really do learn something new every day!

Just SO said...

I knew about Fed Ex but not the other two! Cool.