I do not host Easter dinner at my house, so I don't have an Easter centerpiece for my table. I am sure there are people that would want one anyways. And if I did it would be this one from

White bowls, colored eggs, and maybe a little twist with a colored bowl and white eggs! CLEVER! The ribbon running down the table cloth is a nice touch, but I think it would work without.

How many days in a row would you have to have egg salad sandwiches to use up all of these eggs?
IT IS SO TRUE!! I look at all these cute ideas and think, "What the hec do they do when Easter is over?" I thought I was the only one!
Maybe you could just use plastic eggs, although they wouldn't be as pretty.
Oh, I love this. So pretty and really easy. I guess everybody heads outside for an all-out Easter Egg hunt and target toss after dinner!
Those are so cute though!
Very pretty, but I'd use wooden ones that were painted. I think.....
Very cute! And I love hard boiled eggs! I eat at least one a day, so i could manage to finish those!
maybe you could use eggs that you have blown out and then use them every year. You could save them in egg cartons.
You could do a faux bottom, so only the very top was eggs, at least that way you wouldn't have so many
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