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Chocolate Playdough

If it isn't red on Valentine's Day then it should be chocolate. Make some Chocolate Play Dough using this recipe from A Foothill Home Companion for your little one to play with on Valentine's Day.

What you need

1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup salt
1/2 tablespoon cream of tartar
1 1/2 tablespoon oil
1 cup water

What you do:

Mix dry ingredients in a medium size pot. Add wet ingredients and stir together over low heat until a ball of dough forms. Remove play dough from pot and knead by hand until dough is smooth and evenly colored. Store in airtight container.


Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

Very cool idea. I made play dough last week for the first time in years. I added vanilla and the kids loved the smell. So chocolate is definitely on the menu!!! We made pretend cupcakes with our dough and tinted it with food coloring. Thanks for all your great ideas, LOVE THEM!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I might want to eat that if I made it. :}

Renee said...

I've never heard of this. Brilliant! Although, I've banned playdough from my house until the spring when they can take it outside. I'll try it then!

Insanitykim said...

We make ours with Kool Aid packs for vibrant colors and wonderful scents! Don't worry Teresa, it may LOOK and SMELL good, but there is so much salt in the recipe no matter what it tastes AWFUL!! Great idea though, I will try this variant for sure!

Anonymous said...

I think I would probably have to eat it ;). What a great idea! I love all your pink and Valentine's stuff.

Jen @ said...

That looks good enough to eat!!! But what a good idea.


Just SO said...

Good idea in theory. Until my kids try eating it.

Lorie said...

That is the best part! It is completely edible! So let them eat away!

Michelle said...

I want to do this for my girls in nursery. The will LOVE it!!!

Annie said...

what does that do to your BMs???

Lorie said...

Annie, you are gross! But I still love you.

Anonymous said...

Very cool!