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I Don't Have A Mantel

Have I whined about...I mean mentioned...that I don't have a mantel. Mantle. Which is it? Which ever it is I don't have one! No mantel means I don't really worry about cute stockings. We have old boring stocking that never get hung up. But this year I am going to have really cute stocking s, so I need a cute place to hang them!

My favorite choice would be the banister. All decked out with swags of pine and cute little stockings:

But I don't have stairs.

This idea is cute! A ladder!

pictures from Country Home

Cute until Toots pulls it over on herself a hundred times. Then not so cute.

There is always just a shelf...and I think that is going to have to be my solution unless you guys come up with something cuter for me! Any suggestions?

I was thinking about hanging them on their doorknobs. The end of their beds would be cute, but they don't have bedposts. I could decorate a curtain rod and hang them in a window or doorway. String garland across a shelf and hang them from there. If my dining room chairs had a back I could hang them their and THAT would be cute! And I wish I had a coat rack. Maybe I should just hang them on the towel rack in the bathroom. Okay, maybe not. But I could buy a towel rack and decorate it for Christmas and put it up in my living room.

Where do you hang your stockings. And if you say on the mantel I will only hate you a little bit.


angi_b72 said...

love your blog...but i hang mine from a mantle. Do you have a shelf with pegs on it? I have done that before...or on their bedroom doorknobs on Christmas eve?

Hollie said...

love the idea of hanging them on their doorknobs on Christmas Eve.

I hang mine on a little picture shelf that I have on our wall. It works fine, like a mini-mantle.

Also, I'd like to enter the Mission Monday Contest! I love the bag!

Anonymous said...

Let the hating commence. I'm sorry.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

Christmas Eve we lay the stockings on the back of the couch, neatly in a row, and in the morning Santa has filled them and they are sitting on the couch. Hey, I have no mantle either, it's the best I can do:)

Amy W said...

Gah! I don't have a mantel either and it makes me crazy every Christmas season. I hang mine on the casement window handle/opener thingies, with a garland covering them (we have three windows in a row up high, so it works for us).

Amanda in GA said...

OK don't hate me we have a mantel. Having said that we didn't have one when I was growing up. We would lay our stockings on the sofa before we went to bed Christmas Eve.

Here are a few ideas

hang a wide ribbon (either vertical or horizontal)and tie them to that and then on CE hang them on the kids doors
* you could either hang this from a wall or on a door.

Get a wooden hat rack you could paint it and hang them from that

put them down the center of the dining room table like a runner with some greenery.

thats all I have for now if I think of anything else I'll let you know.

TidyMom said...

I have a large shelf in my family room that has pegs below it, that's where I hang our stockings. It hangs over our love seat.

I often think of replacing that large shelf with some kind of art work- but then I think "where would I hang our stockings?" LOL so the shelf stays.

My mom hangs the 4 grandkids stocking on cabinet knobs around the house.

If you have a shelf you could use stocking holders.

Ok, I'm out of ideas.....

Merry Christmas!

kel said...

I don't have a mantle either! grrr..

ps love the blog! new stalker alert!

Carrie said...

I don't have one either..and it makes me so sad.

Jan said...

I didn't have a mantel for years. I made a fake one and put it up though. It worked good. Now I have a fireplace. I love the ladder idea.

Kristen said...

I have a mantel however I like them on the stairs with the garland. You could hang your stockings on the back of the front door. Growing up my mom would lay them around the tree. This would tell my brother and I which side of the tree was ours.

jill jill bo bill said...

I have like 38 kids, so a mantel is worthless to me. I hang them above the door facings and shelves of the bookcases. It looks like a 3d border. Glad to meet you. Now post your Mission question so I can win. Thanks.

Brooks said...

I have a mantle issue too.
I need your question for Mission Monday.....

Cass. Just Curious said...

I am with you. I don't have a mantel - I have a fireplace but NO mantel. I was considering buying a mantel but they're EXPENSIVE. Then I thought maybe I could buy a fake one. Out of styrofoam but that doesn't exactly go with my "motif" lol, I don't have a motif. So then I went to my basement and pulled out an old stained glass window I bought from a thrift store. Screwed hooks into the window frame and then hung the window, and then hung the stockings with care. I think it works.

Jillene said...

I don't have a mantel either so I hand mine on a shelf that we have on the wall that has pegs on it!!

Renee said...

The doorknob idea is cute. When we didn't have a mantle, they just appeared under the tree Christmas morning! That stinks though because no one can see how cute they are until... hmmm.

My girlfriend bought a lovely old mantle from a flea market. It was all distressed and didn't cost much, but was very cute! She put her stockings on that with some candles on top.

Cajoh said...

My wife has an iron hook coat rack-like thing (that's a technical term) that we hang the stockings that she hand sewed. Fortunately/unfortunately after they are stuffed we have to move them to the dining room table (we always put too much in them).

Anonymous said...

I hang mine from the mantle but that stair case idea is so cute I might need to do that!

Tenakim said...

Sorry, mantle, but please don't hate me, I feel your pain!

Jenners said...

Mantel...sorry. Don't hate me.

Kristina P. said...

I have strung garland up on my mantleless fireplace, and then I hang them, with ornaments, on there.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Don't be a mantel haver hater. Please. I love the bannister look but I don't have stairs. You've seen my mantel from last week right? How about getting a white trellis just for the holidays. Or you can probably make one.

Anonymous said...

I'm here for Mission Monday but I had to comment because for years I had no mantel too! And it sucked! We would hang the stockings for my girls with push pins just on the wall! How lame is that?? Yeah, lame, but Santa didn't care - he stuffed 'em full.

Well, we finally remodeled our old home from 2007-2008 and the first addition? A fireplace! Why? So we could have a mantel to hang stockings!

It's not a traditional mantel 'cause the house has a modern vibe - it's kinda like a cut-out shelf kinda thing but it's a mantel none-the-less to hang stockings. This will be our first Christmas to be able to do it!

So I'm sorry for you this year with no mantel - I feel ya' truly.

But push pins in the wall work just great.

: - )

Jennifer said...

i like the idea of them on the stairs...

the ladder is a very cute idea as well. deifferent.

Jennifer said...

i do understand why you cant have the ladder. you need no accidents at christmas.
wanted to write this in the other comment but the kids were talking and hit publish way to quick

Amie said...

we have one of those 'the stockings were hung' boards created at Super Saturday that every LDS person in the world owns. It works. =)

Anonymous said...

I think your idea of hanging it on the doorknobs is cute. I have also seen special stocking hangers that sit on the ground, kinda similar to a coat rack only shorter. I think it was on maybe? You could make your own possibly....

Kimmy said...

I have the same problem and I have actually been noticing a commercial for Scotch 3M products that have the reusable adhesive mounting knobs. They look really nice and you can put them on the wall, doors or whatever. I have used this product before and it works really good. They just came out with the nice knob ones. On the commercial they even showed hanging stockings as one of the uses. You can probably get them at any general store such as Target. I may go get them myself. Hope this helps! Merry Christmas!!

rychelle said...

i think finding a way to hang them in the children's rooms is a great idea.

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

This may sound dumb, but my mom made homemade stocking when I was little. They each looked like us and were made out of felt. We loved those stockings. Anyway... she hung them on the wall in the most prominent spot of the house so we would see them every time we walked by. I LOVED IT!

Then, she put our regular stockings... the ones we got presents in on the mantel. If you don't have a mantel and only have one set, you could always hang them.

Loralee and the gang... said...

We hang them beneath the kitchen bar,(see my 'I am a Christmas Tree Nazi' blog, and the pic of the little houses. That bar-) because my husband is afraid that the stocking will catch on fire if we hang them on the mantel! (above our working woodstove) He also takes the cup hooks out every year, because he thinks they will poke out a kid's eye, or the stockings would be hung up already (They're CUP hooks, please!) He's such a killjoy!

The Saunders Family said...

oh my I have that exact banister picture tore out to try and duplicate on our stairs, but alas, Walmart doesn't have a bery good selection of garland, and an hour drive just to get garland isn't sounding like fun!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

I've never had a fireplace so have always been creative. Windowsills, stair railings, on the back of rockers, walls, and cupboard handles.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Before I had a mantle, I would hang mine from the windowshelf...

Amy said...

I actually use a springed curtain rod that I put under my mantel so it is not permanent. But when I was in college, we used construction paper and made a fake fireplace on the wall, and pinned the stockings to the wall on our "fireplace".

Morgan said...

Have a picture of each person on the wall and hang the stocking underneath.