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Works for Me Wednesday: Child Labor

Rocks in My Dryer hosts Works For Me Wednesday on her blog each week. Readers can post ideas that work for them and share a link on her blog.

Today I wanted to talk to you about my cleaning lady:

Lou La LOVES to help me clean. But not the things that I WANT her to clean. Like her room. So instead of fighting with her, I help her clean her room and then she helps me around the house. Compromise. Got to love it! The one thing that is a MUST for her is getting to spray her own cleaner. Because I obviously don't want her spraying anything that can hurt her (like bleach) she has her own spray bottle with vinegar and water inside.

One of my favorite jobs to give her (because it is one I never get to) is cleaning my cabinets. She sprays them with vinegar water and wipes them down with a cloth. She feels helpful, she can do it unattended, and my kitchen looks better after she does it!

A happy mom and a happy girl! Works for me!


Jillene said...

CUTE!! She reminds me of my 3 year old!! She loves to clean with wet wipes--she is obsessed!!

Unknown said...

That's great you have such a cute cleaning lady! I love having my kids help! My daughter's favorite chore is cleaning the french door windows.

Kacey said...

You mean I can put these kids to work when they get older? I'll have an entire crew! Ha! Ha! That is really cute and what a great idea. I love that she loves to help you, so sweet. And what a cutie!

Jane Anne said...

I love that you set this up as a compromise. I do the same thing (help them clean their room and get them to do chores) but I have never explained it like I help you and you help me. Love it!

Erin said...

I had never thought of vinegar and water. I have always given the kids water, and it just smears the dirt around. I'll try this next time!

Yvonne said...

YES YES! My three year old is always asking, "Mommy can I help you?". How can I resist!

Speaking of which...we better get back to doing the dishes and laundry :)

Thank you for your comment! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

ccsmomma said...

I do this too!!! Almost to the "T" right down to the vinegar spray. Oh, and your cleaning lady is simply adorable.

Anonymous said...

Wanna hire her out? I need someone to clean my cabinets and she's the perfect height.

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Thats such a great idea....I need to run out and get spray bottles for my kids.

Emily said...

What and cutie and a great idea, the vinegar and water. I'll have to try that with my little ones. Thanks for the tip.

Amie said...

oh my gosh she's so cute!

Lara Neves said...

Great idea! My 2 year old loves it when the spray bottle comes out, but I hesitate to trust her with the Windex or 409 or whatever. I'm totally using the vinegar/water idea.

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!! What a darling little helper!

Sunny said...

That is a great idea! Love her little dimples.

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

WHAT an adorable helper you have!

TidyMom said...

Oooh, she's so cute!! I miss that age! my oldest just turned 21


Michelle said...

Cutest cleaning lady around!