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Halloween Banner

We are getting closer to Halloween...and you might think you don't have time to do any more projects or make any more decorations.

But see how cute this banner is:

All you have to do is print out the letters from AllSorts and cut them out! It couldn't be easier!! Do it! You know you want to! (and if you don't, at least book mark the post because those high resolution letters can be used for all sorts of fun projects!!


Anonymous said...

Oh I've seen that banner a few places! Thanks for putting a link up to get the letters! YAY!

Live.Love.Eat said...

This is super cool!!!!!

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

Thank you!!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for coming by my blog yesterday, you have cute designs for your halloween stuff. I really want to do more now, and I don't know where to find more time. I'll visit again soon.
Hugs, Amy ;)

Ronnica said...

That is a cute banner! I don't really decorate for Halloween, though.

Anonymous said...

That turned out really cute! Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner. You could do all sorts of banners or decorations with those two events!

hellokittiemama said...

:) I wanted to let you know that I tagged your blog with an award over at my blog!


Anonymous said...

That is too cute! I might can handle that one too!

Unknown said...

What a cute banner. I am getting so inspired to put out more halloween stuff! Thanks

Heather said...

Such a cute banner!! It looks pretty easy to make too. My kind of craftin'.

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

Very Neat!

Thanks for stopping by my place yesterday!

Anonymous said...

OK I think I can do that LOL!