This movie comes out next week:

On Tuesday to be exact. We love Veggie Tales movies at our house. They are funny. They teach great morals. They have catchy tunes. If you have never watched a Veggie Tales cartoon or movie with your kids, you should pick one up!
So on October 14th I will be going to the store to pick this up. The dilemma...I really should save it as a Christmas present. I should buy it and put it away. But I haven't seen it yet. And I want to watch it. And I know my kids want to watch it.
I know a lot of people who start there Christmas shopping early. Months in advance. They budget out money each month. They hide things away. They are finished with their Christmas shopping before December, or before Thanksgiving, or even earlier.
I start my shopping in December. Sometimes not until the second week of December. When I was in college I started when Christmas break started. When I didn't have to worry about school and homework and finals. I still do that now. Even though Christmas break for my kids actually makes it harder to get the shopping done.
But if I buy something in October it isn't going to make it until December.
So am I the only one? Are you done with your Christmas shopping? Only 77 days until Christmas!
Well, I've personally never seen a veggie tales movie. But I guess that's because I am childless. Christmas....?? I haven't even thought about Christmas. We start our shopping about the week before Christmas. We are BIG procrastinators.
Yeah, having kids is a good cover, but I might just watch them anyways! :X
I agree with you. Veggie Tales are wonderful. I saw my first veggie tails when I was in College, WAY before I had kids. We just watched silly songs with Larry at a party. It was great!
I shop way ahead for christmas and tend to do really well with holding things till then. That being said don't wait to watch this movie. We took my son to it and he loved it along with most the kids from church. If you hang out with people who will watch this don't make your kids or you wait. It's funny and great music too! People will ruin the funny parts you can't help but talk about the evil cheese...
We will be watching tuesday night again and I am sure many times after that.
One side note if your kids are older this a good one for some discussion because the theme and message is not as out front as most veggie movies. Hope you enjoy the movie when ever you decide to watch it.
girl we don't start christmas shopping until the week of...we're really bad.
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