There have been a few times when the boy has used this quote. Today was one of them. We went to Toys R Us this morning so that he could buy Lego Indiana Jones for the Wii. And today there is no limit on his playing time. (We try to limit the video game time. One of the great little features about Wii is it will actually track your playing time for you. But when we get a new game we lift the playing restrictions. All you have to do is clean your room before you start. Then you can play to your heart's content!)
The best part about it is he paid for it himself. I am so proud of him. He is really smart with his money. On his last birthday (over a year ago) he got quite a bit of money. We talked to him about saving it for something special. A couple of months later we bought a Wii. About the same time we heard they were making a Lego Indiana Jones game. We had been playing Lego Star Wars for a while and it was one of the boy's favorite games. He decided he wanted that is what he wanted to save his money to buy. After Christmas he has saved more than enough, but being the smart cookie that he is stated "I am going to save up more money than the game costs so that when I buy the game I don't have zero dollars." I am going to go on record and say he gets that from me! ;D
I was interested to see how the 'saving' would go. We knew the game was coming out in 2008, but we soon found out it wasn't until June. We started a chore/allowance program in January. And he faithfully continued to save his money. May came and went bringing another birthday and more money...not to mention a nice $25 gift card to Toys R Us from Aunt Ninny. So this morning when we got up, the boy cleaned his room and we got everything we had to do finished before TRU opened at 10am.
We went to the video game section and could NOT find the game. Finally Lou La spotted it (and was very proud of herself). We went to the cashier and the boy handed the lady behind the register the game and his gift card. After she told him the balance due he opened up his batman wallet and pulled out the cash. Tucked his change away and that was that! *sigh* He is just too big!
He is now playing away. I am so proud of him. He is such a sweet little man!
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