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Somoa Girl Scout Cookie Inspired Desserts

Somoa Bark from Cookies and Cups

There must be something in the air, because this weekend I found three different recipes for treats inspired by Somoa Girl Scout Cookies.

Cookies and Cups created a yummy and easy recipe for Somoa Bark.

I Wash...You Dry created a Gooey Somoa Cake Bar:

and Six Sister's Stuff has a recipe for Somoa brownies:

If that isn't enough Somoa goodness for you, you can check the archives for Somoa cupcakes, Somoa scones, Somoa truffles, Somoa popcorn, and Knock off Somoa Cookies.

If that isn't enough for you, you might want to consider a Girl Scout Cookie addiction program.


Diane Stringam Tolley said...

My name is Diane . . .(response) . . . and I have a Girl Scout Cookie Addiction. (giggle)

katie said...

They look insanely delicious. Samoas are my favorite Girl Scout cookie!