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DIY Grocery Play Stand

DIY Grocery Play Stand from Willow Bean Studio

If you loved the DIY Lemonade Stand but are more of a My Father Owns a Grocery Store person, check out this DIY Grocery Play Stand from Willow Bean Studio.  She was inspired by the canvas grocery stand from Pottery Barn Kids:

And after making her own, she shared the tutorial over at Someday Crafts.

And if you are wondering what My Father Owns a Grocery Store is, it is probably my all time favorite childhood game.  You play it just like 20 questions, but you pick an item that would be sold in a grocery store and you start out by saying, my father owns a grocery store and in his grocery store he sells something that is...(insert clue here).  After that everyone asks yes or no questions until someone guesses the item.

We once played for hours on one item.  My cousin had chosen bullion cubes.  Play it the next time you are on a road trip.

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