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Bacon Bouquet

Bacon Bouquet from Geekologie

If your Mom really loves bacon, then have I got a Mother's Day gift for you!  Okay, maybe not.  But a single rose (or two) would be a cute way to serve Mom bacon with her breakfast in bed.

You can check out this bacon bouquet over at Geekologie.

via Shakadoo


Andrea . Charcoal and Crayons said...

Wow - I've never seen anything like it! My husband would love them!
- Andrea

nanniepannie said...


jess said...

They are both beautiful and super gross, all at the same time!! lol.

Tracy said...

Oh, she's entered a contest. I also wondered why.

Yasir said...

These flowers are very beautiful. great work

Katie@a mom, a wife, and a me said...

OMG!! There are two things in this world I love more then anything #1 my family... #2 bacon... hot cripsy bacon, I put it on everything and it drive my husband insane lol... but I cant help it thanks for sharing I know what I want for mothers day ... PS sorry for licking the screen ;)

Unknown said...

OMG! I am so doing that for my husband for our anniversary in June! He will love it!

LunaMoonbeam said...

Jess took the words right out of my mouth. Whoa...but EWWWWW.

pam said...

That is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Can't wait to make them!