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It is time for Show and Tell Saturday!
I am going to keep this short and sweet because I just walked in the door from the ER.
My girls has 6 stitches, so if you have any good suggestions for getting blood out of clothes or
minimizing scars, you can link those up too! ;D

Other than that, just show me your favorite post of the week.

Grab this button and add it to your post or sidebar:

Then add your link below.

Please link directly to your post not just the homepage of your blog.
Also, please link to a blog post, not your Etsy store.
And don't forget to be a friendly participant and check out some of the other projects that have been shared.  Show and Tell is more fun for all of us when someone is listening!


Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

I'm so sorry about your little one!! :( I hope she's ok.

Heidi said...

Hope your little one is feeling better soon! To get blood out of clothes pour peroxide on the blood before you wash them. You can watch the peroxide cleaning the blood right out. It works like magic!

A Sailor's Wife said...

Yes!! The hydrogen peroxide works like a charm!!

Kyla Armstrong said...

Oh goodness! I hope she's ok :( I've always had good luck with Clorox2, but I've never tried the peroxide thing. That sounds awesome.

Janet said...

My kids' Pediatrician says that if you want to prevent scars you should apply sunscreen, or chapstick with sunscreen, over the area anytime it is exposed to the sun. Hope your daughter feels better soon. :)

Cynthia said...

Sorry about your daughter. Ugh. stitches are no fun!

I tried to put your button on my blog but it's not wordpress friendly. I will try again. Oh- and I linked it to a project on my garden blog instead of my regular family blog.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, six stitches is alot for a little one. Hope she's doing okay this morning and hope Mom is too, that is always SOO scary!!! The peroxide DOES work on the stains, and neosporin lessens scars too. (after the stitches are out.) Take it from me, Mom of 3 on a first name basis with the ER physicians. ;)

resewn sally said...

Once the stitches are out, Bio oil will help fade the scar. and like others have said, protecting it from the sun. Hope she feels better soon!
Sal. X

Dave*Jenn*Amelia said...

My dermatologist said for our 7 year old that they can become immune to neosporin quickly, so not to use that too much and to use vitamin e on the scar at least once a day. Just buy the capsules, break them open, and apply. Good luck!

Unknown said...

YIKES! Hope she heals quickly!

Lorie said...

THanks for all of the suggestions ladies!! I tried the peroxide and it worked...crazy to watch!

And I had heard the same thing about sun screen. I also picked up some mederma for after it heals and will have to get some vitamin E today.

She is doing really well. I was so impressed by how she handled it! And it looks SO much better already!

The Vintage Farmhouse said...

Ouch! Hope everything heals up ok. Mederma is good for scars.

Kyra @ RACKS and Mooby said...

Yikes - I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter! We've used mederma too. Hope she heals quickly! :(

Thanks for hosting the party despite your troubles!! You rock. :)

Theprincessandthetot said...

Praying for your little one to heal quickly!

Maggie @ Vittles and Bits said...

Aww poor thing, that does not sound like fun at all... Well too have heard mederma is great, and Lestoil is really good at getting out stains. Just dab some on the stain, and wash. If the stains are still there you can repeat - even after putting clothes in the dryer it still gets the stains out. Crazy stuff. Hope your daughter feels better!!

Jen @ EmbellishingLifeEveryday said...

I hope she's doing okay! I use oxy clean for all my stains.

Anonymous said...

YIKES! ER visits are NEVER fun! Hope all is well and that she heals soon. Thanks for hosting even though it sounds like things are a little bit crazy for you!

Michelle said...

Oh Lorie, I hope your little one is feeling better quickly!

Kelsy said...

I'm so sorry!!
I was going to suggest the peroxide (and maybe some dawn dish soap) for the stains, and vitamin E for the scar. My niece was in a bad accident when she was little and my SIL was told to break open the capsules and put vitamin E on the scars.
Good luck!

AllieMakes! said...

Hydrogen Peroxide. Dream blood cleaner. You can even get dried already washed blood out! To get the already washed stuff out you FULLY immerse the blood soaked stuff then add a ton of salt... Basically you are bursting the actual blood cells...
As for scaring. SUNSCREEN sunscreen SUNSCREEN. Even if she doesn't plan on being outside. And if she does, apply it every half hour. Its a pain, but a chapstick with SUPER high spf is great. Basically, andy cut skin is generating new cells. New cells are exponentially susceptable to UV rays. UV rays are what causes the new cells to change, or as what we see as a scar. IF you could cover it and never let it see the light of day for like 6 months or a year, when you took the cover off, it would actually be GONE. But its hard with children and spf and faces exposed to the sun... I hope she feels better!
And thanks for hosting!

Melissa said...

So sorry you little one is hurt! That is never fun! Hope life is back to normal for you soon!!!!!

Sweetened by Kagi said...

So sorry about your little one! I hope she feels better soon!!!

Lindsey said...

My little guy just had surgery for a cleft lip repair and to minimize the scar we have to massage it with pure vitamin E oil every day. It has kept the scar soft and has really worked in my opinion. I hope she gets feeling better! Oh, and thanks for hosting! :)

Anonymous said...

So sorry about the stiches! My son fell and had stiches when he was 2. We used Mederma for Kids and you wouldn't know he had anything there.

Sara @ Mom Endeavors said...

Yikes! Sorry about the ER trip & stitches. Hope she heals quickly!! :)

~K @ VintageSkye said...

Oh, dear! ER visits! My daughter had to have seven stitches right across her cheek because her older brother (who knew better) was swinging something around and it hit her in the cheek. My doctor told me to use emu oil. It sounded strange but it works! I got it at Walgreens here. Good luck!

nest of posies said...


hope all is calming down in your house now.

sending kisses for the boo boos. bless her & YOU!!! i have no clue how to get stuff out of clothes...i can't even get mac&cheese out of the kiddos clothes. ;)

take care sweet girl.


Creative Escapes said...

OH NO!! I am not looking forward to trips to the ER - hope everyone is recovering!!! Thanks for hosting on top of everything!

kiki comin said...

Mederma, Mederma, Mederma. Seriously swear by this..but you have to use it everyday for awhile.:) i HATE er trips.

Screaming Sardine said...

Sorry to hear about your little one. As others have mentioned, Vitamin E is very good for minimizing scars. My mother had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her face and used Vitamin E. Not a single scar at all!

Chiara said...

Praying your sweet little girl is better soon. My little boy has had stitches twice already, and he is only 4. Of course both times were on his face. Sigh. It is hard to see our little ones hurt! Cold water and some spray and wash or Oxyclean always got blood out for me!

chris said...

For blood, cold water rinse, and then pour hydrogen peroxide on the can watch it bubble away. Anything left oxyclean can take out. Best wishes for a full recovery.

nicolette {momnivores dilemma} said...

i vouch for the hydrogen peroxide. my dad was on dialysis for years and when he'd bleed worked like a charm...

Tracy said...

I am pointing no fingers ... because I have seen it done time and time again ...
I don't want to hear one complaint when the paint companies start charging for samples.
Think about it.