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Cupid's Arrows Valentine

Make some of these cute arrows with pretzels and gummy hearts:

Bag them up, print out the cute tags over to Poppies at Play and let your kiddos hand out a really unique valentine treat to their friends:


staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

aaaaaack! I have to make those!!!!
So so cute!

Suzanne said...

They are so cute!

Alexis said...

Awesome! I bet they are good to eat too, I love salty and sweet.

Heidi said...

haha! those pretzel arrows made me laugh out loud! I LOVE them!!! I'm going to have to make some as a snack for my 3 year old!!

Katie said...

Melt me!

Marie@Procrastinating in Pink said...

OH my! those are adorable!!

West Hill Heritage said...

So cute!!!!