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Paint Chip Valentine

I don't want to advocate wiping out all of the red and pink paint chips from your local, but if you have a Valentine that has a thing for redecorating you might want to grab one the next time you are there so that you can create one of these cute paint chip valentines I saw over at Country Living:


Kori said...

Yum! I'm doing a linked post today, so go over and comment if you want a link back to your blog! Kori xoxo

Anonymous said...

I saw that idea too and love it!

Jen @ EmbellishingLifeEveryday said...

LOVE it! Guess what I'm doing tomorrow? ;)

Anonymous said...

Now that you've put that out there, I won't be able to help myself. The Home Depot in my town is right across the parking lot from Michael's. Two birds with one stone!


Ilana said...

This is too cute! Thanks for the tip!

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

saw this too....had the husband grab a few extras when he was Lowe's last week :)

Amie said...

seriously great idea!

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

love the paint chips!!!

Unknown said...

Love this post! I get Country Living too and would just DIE over EVERY single thing in it. I did a post on this today on my pbandj blog. It's such a great idea!