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Candy Corn Tree and Table Runner

I wish you could grow them this way:

I found this cute tree on Room Remix.  It is from Woman's Day.  I have an urn that I picked up at a garage sale that needs some TLC.  And I am pretty sure I have enough candy corn lying around to make this.  Actually, I probably have enough left to make this:

I love the table runner made from candy corn!  They used a yard tick to make the straight lines and then nestled the candles and pumpkins in.  Of course, this doesn't put my urn to use.

I will have to see how crafty I am feeling this week.  Are you done decorating for Halloween, or do you decorate until the second you start taking it down?


Katherine said...

I love that candy corn tree! I am done decorating but still have to finish up my kids' costumes.

Cindy said...

If my kids had their way we'd never stop adding decorations!

Lorie said...

Cindy, isn't it SO fun to decorate with kids!! Kat, we actually had a party this weekend so we had to be done with the costumes. It was stressful to get them done early, but this week will be SO NICe not having to worry about them!

Heidi said...

I agree...I too wish they grew that way!! I had to use mine as decor and put bugs in them so that I wouldn't eat them. By far my favorite candy, and one of the few cravings I had while I was pregnant!