No, not 40 ideas for birthdays, but an idea for a 40th birthday! My oldest sister is turning 40 next month. I should be nice and send her this:
But it will be much more fun to send her this:
Bubble gum is much more fun, and more colorful, than pop rocks. And it is much more fun for the baby in the family (that's me) to torment her older sisters! Bwahahahahaha!
You can see more 'getting older' birthday ideas at Kendra's blog My Insanity and at Poca Cosas.
My younger sister, who is 19 months difference, Gave me heck when I turned 40. A surprise party and
sign's on the bank all over town, that stated I was turning 40. Well, pay backs are in planning for this November. I am going to get her GOOD! I love the jar full of bubble gum, I may have to use that.
I have 8 years before she can get me back...but there is a sister in between us that she can take it out on! ;D
That made me laugh!!
If someone sent me that bubble gum i'd be in heaven. How about 30 blows? I'm turning 30 next month and I'd be happy to send along my address. hahahahahhaha
LOVE the birthday ideas!!! I've got some sisters hitting 50 within a couple years. That would be awesome!
This is great! Love this idea...I'll pass it on to my hubby...since I am sure he won;t come up with anything on his own.
LOVE that bubblegum idea -- I'm adding that to my file - thanks for posting! My favorite idea is one that I found about 10 years ago and used last year on my sister to RAVE reviews:
Baby of the family and Bratty ;) Funny Funny LB.
Oh...I just read the take it out on me!!! Nice!!! You really are Bratty!
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