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Fruity Pot Holders

Sometimes I pretend like I can sew, but there is no way that I can even pretend like I know how to crochet one of these:

So I am going to have to either talk my mom into making me some while I am in Arizona or wait for someone to make a set and put them on Etsy because I need these.  And not just because the pot holders I have in my kitchen drawer are old and a strange mix of Winnie the Pooh and Christmas.

 Hopefully someone will take pity on my sad, sad pot holder drawer and tell me where I can get a set!

The instructions can be found HERE at The Purl Bee.


Kari Sweeten said...

I seriously want some of those!!

Sarah said...

If no one else volunteers, I will happily make you a set.

Andrea said...

I think I have a total of three potholders and ALL of them are Christmas. Yet, I use them year around...

Laura said...

Yeah, why is it we are all using Christmas pot holders? LOL!

Nancy's Notes said...

Lorie, those are so pretty! I'd love to have them too! I don't know how to crochet either! Hope you get some from someone! You have an offer already! Woo hoo!

Thanks for sharing!


Stephanie R. said...

these are beyond awesome! I love that watermelon!