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Tic Tac Faces

My daughter has recently fallen in love with Tic Tacs.  She doesn't think orange is the best flaver though, which is just wrong.  So I think I am going to buy her a package and color little faces on them:

You know, in all my free time.  Okay, I probably am not going to do that.  Even though it would give me an excuse to buy the food coloring markers I want.  But it was too fun not to share!


cookies and cups said...

I can't wait to get these! Hilarious!

cookies and cups said...
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Unknown said...

Yes, orange is the best color... and I never knew there was such a thing as food markers... interesting. Good excuse to buy some!!

Alexis said...

Hysterical! Looks like a great summer activity for the kids...

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

This does look like the perfect boredom buster. I will file this one away when my kids get hit with boredom this summer.

Katie said...

Happy pills!