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What Time Is It?

I finally (after living in Texas for over 3 months) have changed my blog time to Central Time.  I have kept it on Arizona time for a lot of irrational reasons, but I figured that it was time to grow up and face the fact that I live in Texas now.

The only reason I am telling you is because the time my posts pop up is the same every day (did you even notice that?) and it will now change by a couple of hours.  If you all hate it I am more than happy to use that as an excuse to change it back.  It is nice to have a little piece of me that is still on Arizona time.

So I am curious...did you know that my posts always show up at the same time?


Unknown said...

I didn't notice the time of your posts, but I am a misplaced Arizonan to Texas of about 11 years now. I still miss Arizona! :)

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

Didn't notice. But the real question is: how are you liking Texas??

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

I never notice anyones times on their posts, I am so observant huh?! lol! Come to think of it, I don't know if my blog is on the right time for where I live.

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

Texas rocks! I'm sure you've told me already, but where in Texas do you live? I've answered way too many emails lately and my brain is fried. I'm pretty sure I know what city you are in, but I don't want to post it on your blog.
Did I mention that Texas rocks? I'm moving back to The Great State of Texas this summer. Yee Haw!

Unknown said...

I can honestly say I never look at time posts on the blogs of other people......I guess as long as nobody tells me my time is off on mine, I'm going with it the way it is.

just call me jo said...

Well, now I'll have to check times. That's so clever of you. Do you have it set to automatically post at a certain time? I didn't even know my blog had a time on it.

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

I think mine is still set to Eastern Standard Time, despite moving back to UT. I guess I left my heart in NC.

Suzanne said...

I had never noticed! Whatever time they show up just know that I love to see 'em!

Hildie said...

I'm proud of you for finally commiting to Texas!

Kitschalicious said...

I've never noticed when posts are posted either. I also wanted to let you know I'm originally from Nebraska and moved to Texas 4 1/2 years ago, and I felt the same way as wanting a piece of NE with me too. So, I didn't change my license until it expired...two years later! I know, I'm so bad!

Rachel@MyPinkFlipFlops said...

I miss living in Arizona where time doesn't change...

I never notice when posts are put up. I go through the blogs in the morning and thats it.

I did notice that the clock you used was 10:10.
Random fact I learned the other day: Most clocks will show 10:10 in ads because it connotes a happy feeling and usually shows off the logo better. :D

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

No, I never noticed. But I am blond. :)

Miss G said...

I didn't realize. I hope your adjustment to Texas smooths out. :) Hang in there. Have you been to Canton yet? Kelly

Amie said...

I didn't notice...but mine is the same way. They always post at 12:01am. :)

janadec9 said...

I did notice the time (I think I even asked you once if you were going to change it)...but I understand. Its nice to feel like you have some piece of home with you...Glad you're in Texas now, though!

Jen @ Just for Rachel said...

I had no idea! I just know that I will have a lot to look at everyday which makes me happy! It's even better when I miss a few days, because I can catch up, and have more to look at :) I am usually on your blog daily.