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Oh my goodness those are so pretty! I wonder if they taste good as well?
Wow, those are just way too cute, good enough to eat! Yummy!Nancy
oh wow! i love them. you'll post a tute if you figure out how... right?
Is that a challenge?? I accept!!!
Those are really lovely! I wonder how you'd bake those? I'd make something like this if I could figure it out! :)Blessings,Stacey
I have GOT to figure out how to make those for my daughter's polka dot birthday party this Sunday!
Also- have you seen any other great ideas for a polka dot themed birthday?
My niece had a polka dot party last year. Here is the post. I looked up a lot of ideas while we were planning it, so there should be more if you search for polka dot.
These are so cute! I know Wilton has a ball pan, I wonder if they used that pan to make them?
So, so cute! Looking forward to seeing the "how" of this. Thanks for sharing.
stunning i love it so i am thinkging does it taste as pretty as it looks :)
Can you get half-circle molds or cake pans? Then stick two together...I'm not into cake decorating but maybe it would work.
I did a polka dot party too!! to check yours out Lori!
They look so pretty, I would hesitate to eat them. But in the end I so would. Waiting for the tutorial!
those are just way too cute, good enough to eat! Yummy! data entry india
jamie,I found another source for polka dot parties for you!
Seriously... these have me stumped. I am convinced that it is NOT real cake, but Styrofoam balls. They are just WAY to uniform and perfect! Ugh. I must know... I wonder if I could find the baker and ask???
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Oh my goodness those are so pretty! I wonder if they taste good as well?
Wow, those are just way too cute, good enough to eat! Yummy!
oh wow! i love them. you'll post a tute if you figure out how... right?
Is that a challenge?? I accept!!!
Those are really lovely! I wonder how you'd bake those? I'd make something like this if I could figure it out! :)
I have GOT to figure out how to make those for my daughter's polka dot birthday party this Sunday!
Also- have you seen any other great ideas for a polka dot themed birthday?
My niece had a polka dot party last year. Here is the post.
And I looked up a lot of ideas while we were planning it, so there should be more if you search for polka dot.
These are so cute! I know Wilton has a ball pan, I wonder if they used that pan to make them?
So, so cute! Looking forward to seeing the "how" of this. Thanks for sharing.
stunning i love it so i am thinkging does it taste as pretty as it looks :)
Can you get half-circle molds or cake pans? Then stick two together...
I'm not into cake decorating but maybe it would work.
I did a polka dot party too!!
Off to check yours out Lori!
They look so pretty, I would hesitate to eat them. But in the end I so would. Waiting for the tutorial!
those are just way too cute, good enough to eat! Yummy!
data entry india
I found another source for polka dot parties for you!
Seriously... these have me stumped. I am convinced that it is NOT real cake, but Styrofoam balls. They are just WAY to uniform and perfect! Ugh. I must know... I wonder if I could find the baker and ask???
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