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Turkey Hat

I think everyone should be required to wear one of these on Thanksgiving:

Call me crazy, but I think it would take some of the stress out of the holidays. Imagine looking around and seeing your loved ones all wearing these cute turkey hats.

I wonder if Morgan from One More Moore will make them for everybody!


Jenny said...

This site is the most amazing source for cool ideas. You just rock it here. Thank you.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I would totally wear that! Maybe I can get one made in time.

Britta said...

I love it. My kids would look so cute in one of those. I think I'll try that. Thanks!

Grammie/Mom said...

definitely needs to be worn by the over 30 crowd. I've been slinking around your blog for quite a while now. It's great. I get inspired by something each time I look but never follow through on anything. Maybe soon.