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Ghost Tree

With the weekend around the corner, I thought these little ghosts would be a fun project for kids to kick of the Halloween decorating season:

Mandy at Moody Girl Projects has some great tips for making these cute ghosts and also went a step further and made an entire tree:

You can check out the whole project here.


Phares said...

Way cute! I'm so going to try it!

Jenny said...

Those are cute!

Lisa Anne said...

This is totally on my craft list. Not a ghost tree, but a halloween tree. Same thing. lol I love yours!!

I've been on the hunt for super cheap mini halloween ornaments. They are so expensive. I even tried ebay and all the cool ones are expensive and I'm cheap.

I hope I find some so I can make my tree. Otherwise I might have to make a ghost tree.

Come to think of it a ghost tree sounds really cool.

What did you use to make the ghosts?

Mandy said...

Thanks for the feature :)

Amander said...

I LOVE ghost trees! I love ghosts!