I love this door! Even though I KNOW that those leaves weren't really there and they just staged the picture that way! Next year, when we live in Austin, we will go and sit in the park and watch over a million bats fly out of a cave into the sky at night. And I will probably be scarred for the rest of my life, so this will probably be the last time I think this display is cool.
ha ha =)
That door is awesome! Do you have a link?
Bats totally aren't scary!! They're just like swallows...except they fly AFTER the sun goes down, instead of just before. ;-) They eat the same things!
I am not sure if that makes me feel any better! ;D
Thank you for that link, I had that image saved on my computer for forever and wanted to recreate it this year but didn't know who to give credit to when I blog it. Now I know!
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