So, I thought I would share how I made the buttons on my blog scroll. I found the magic code at Project Create a Home:
The code was on their blog. Right here. And I copied it. There's goes up, mine moves sideways. So you can copy the code off of their site you can cut and paste this code:
scrolling on your sidebar. You can then add more buttons by copying the code for the button and pasting it in front of the end tag (which is < and then /and then marquee and then this > again.
(if I were to type it out it wouldn't show because it is HTML code. If you need help, shoot me an email and I can email the code to you)
After playing with it a while, I found one on Katie's blog that scrolled up, but showed more than one button at a time. And I think I like that one more. So I did a little tweaking and I am now trying to decide which one I like more. They are both on the right column of my blog, so let me know what you think.
Here is the code for the vertical scroll:
So hopefully one of those will work for you. Happy scrolling blog button making!
Oh, and totally off topic. Do you remember when Bob Barker hosted the price is right and at the end of each episode he would remind you to spay or neuter your pets. Well at the end of each 'Let's Talk About Blogging' post I am going to remind you to add your email address to your blogger profile!
Just scrolled down your page. Great blog. Interesting things. Love the MAX... -Jayne
I can't decide which I like better, either. The horizontal one is different....
but anyway, thanks so much for the code!!
definitely the 2nd one with more buttons!
AWESOME! MINE'S UP! (Now I'm just adding buttons!
Can you type it out with spaces? Like this
< / marquee >
See I kinda like the side scrolling one because it seems less busy and distracting when people are trying to read a blog. Did you know you can adjust the height of the gadget and the speed? It's at the very beginning. Will look into playing around with the other scrolling gadget tonight after ER is in bed. Thanks for your offer to help, I'll let you know if I need any☺
Thanks for the tips. I did know about the height and speed. I made mine a little taller than yours I think.
And I really don't like any of the speeds. I left them at 3 because I thought 2 was too slow and 4 was too fast.
Lindsay, YES! I could type it with spaces! I didn't even think about that! :P
Lori... thanks soooo much! I couldn't get the first code to work. I was unsure where to paste the buttons and every time I tried they just showed up weird. I really like that first one but could not get it to work. sad!
BUT... the second one worked like a charm!!! I have it working now on Blue Cricket!!!Thanks again for a great code that is soooo useful!
I'll have to keep working on the first code. Any clue what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks so much. I can't wait to give this a try. I think they both look great!
I like scrolling button #1, side by side. Thanks for the code!
Awesome! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Thanks! I just added this to my blog!!
Even *I* got this to work!
Thank you so much for this!! Huge help!!
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