Did you know that today is Nurse's Day? So give some nurse that you know a hug! My sister-in law is a nurse. Probably the BEST nurse around. I have no statistical proof to back this up, but she is pretty great and she is a nurse so that makes her a pretty great nurse. Annie, I am coming over to hug you.
Or if hugging isn't your think, you could buy them one of these cupcakes from

Or you could make your own. And give them a hug.
Annie, I bought you some, but then I ate them! ;D
LOL, I bought you some, then I ate them! That is too funny. Hopefully your sister will appreciate just the hug :).
She will. She is good like that! ;D
The cupcakes are amazing!
I heart nurses too! They were so unbelievable kind to me when my husband had his bypass last year. They took fantastic care of both of us!
The profession actually celebrates the whole week. Our hospital does pretty neat stuff for them every day.
Nurses deserve a lot of recognition this week and always. They are always there to help and provide comfort and assistance whenever needed. Their inspirational nursing stories are very appreciated.
thanks! i'm just seeing this!
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