I am not sure what to say about this. But I had to show you guys!!
It is from Joy Kampia. And I think it would be a hilarious Halloween costume. Not for me because if I showed this much skin it would be a Halloween costume alright. A really scary one! Plus it is cold in October. But I have to find a reason for someone to wear this dress!!
That so to freakin funny.... I cna't even image where some one would wear that other than for Halloween...to funny
I'm sure we'll be seeing it on the red carpet soon enough!
Do they make it in a little girls size 6? My daughter said, "OH that's cute!" She would probably wear it all the time cuz' she is silly like that!
Oh I just wanted to add that "if" they did make it in kids size I would hope it wouldn't be so skin revealing or she could wear some leggings under it or something hahaa Didn't want anyone thinking I would let my kid run around all skimpy like that-she is only 4!
I'VE GOT IT! The bridesmaid dress for the Hamburgler's wedding.
i would look so good in that
i would look so good in that
i would look so good in that
Man, where is Bjork when we need her?
I have something for you over at my place! :D
Oh. My. Goodness.
Took me a minute to figure out what the heck it was! Now I can't stop laughing. That's too much. "Birrrd's right, kid's size would be great!"
birrrd, your daughter would probably be cute in it! But I don't know if it comes in kids sizes! Do you know anyone that knits?
Annie, you WOULD!!
What a crack up!
I saw that dress on Serious Eats a while back - I don't think it's a costume, just an art piece. ;-) DEFINITELY a one of a kind!
Is that a cheeseburger dress?!!! LOL!
I'm speechless...
it took me a minute to figure out that it was a burger. Really cute but hmmmmm...not quite "work appropriate". Maybe for casual friday?
My first reaction ..."WHAT THE HECK?!"
Oh my! That is very interesting!
if you make it I will wear it
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