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Dress to Impress

I am not sure what to say about this. But I had to show you guys!!

It is from Joy Kampia. And I think it would be a hilarious Halloween costume. Not for me because if I showed this much skin it would be a Halloween costume alright. A really scary one! Plus it is cold in October. But I have to find a reason for someone to wear this dress!!


Lindsay said...

That so to freakin funny.... I cna't even image where some one would wear that other than for funny

Kristina P. said...

I'm sure we'll be seeing it on the red carpet soon enough!

birrrd said...

Do they make it in a little girls size 6? My daughter said, "OH that's cute!" She would probably wear it all the time cuz' she is silly like that!

birrrd said...

Oh I just wanted to add that "if" they did make it in kids size I would hope it wouldn't be so skin revealing or she could wear some leggings under it or something hahaa Didn't want anyone thinking I would let my kid run around all skimpy like that-she is only 4!

Erica Ellis said...

I'VE GOT IT! The bridesmaid dress for the Hamburgler's wedding.

Annie said...

i would look so good in that

Annie said...

i would look so good in that

Annie said...

i would look so good in that

Kacey said...

Man, where is Bjork when we need her?

I have something for you over at my place! :D

Amy said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

Adrienne of Noon To Two and Handmade By Ade Etsy Shops said...

Took me a minute to figure out what the heck it was! Now I can't stop laughing. That's too much. "Birrrd's right, kid's size would be great!"

Lorie said...

birrrd, your daughter would probably be cute in it! But I don't know if it comes in kids sizes! Do you know anyone that knits?

Lorie said...

Annie, you WOULD!!

Rae said...

What a crack up!

LunaMoonbeam said...

I saw that dress on Serious Eats a while back - I don't think it's a costume, just an art piece. ;-) DEFINITELY a one of a kind!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Is that a cheeseburger dress?!!! LOL!

The Petterssons said...

I'm speechless...

Anonymous said...

it took me a minute to figure out that it was a burger. Really cute but hmmmmm...not quite "work appropriate". Maybe for casual friday?

Anonymous said...

My first reaction ..."WHAT THE HECK?!"

Anonymous said...

Oh my! That is very interesting!

Anonymous said...

if you make it I will wear it