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Marshmallow Snowmen

I wish my daughter was still in preschool so that we could take in homemade treats for the party. (In my neck of the woods any treats you take in to the public schools have to be store bought...not sure if that is a rule everywhere).

I guess I will just have to make these snowman pops from Speckled Egg with my kids and enjoy them at home!

These cute marshmallow snowmen are dipped in white chocolate! YUM! If I could just find a way to get some graham cracker in there it would be perfect!!


Amie said...

those are cute! ours have to be storebought too, which annoys me. I spent $12 on treats for two kids' parties yesterday. I so could have made it for less than half! a quarter!

Anonymous said...

I can so totally for for this right now....

Meg said...

Store bought? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Unless someone's mama is a terrible baker, in which case it's a good idea.

The marshmellow snowmen are cute though.

Meg said...
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Anonymous said...

OH OH OH! These are a holiday MUST for me to make now. Being added to the ToDo List RIGHT NOW. =)

angi_b72 said...

great idea!!! I hear you on the graham crackers...and hersheys! lol

Anonymous said...

Same school rules here. But, tomorrow is cookie making day at my daughters, so I'm getting the stuff to make these too. The kids will love it. Thanks.


Debbie said...

I love those so much!

Just SO said...

Holy Cow those are CUTE! I may just have to add those to my neighbor gifts! What a great idea.

Oh and I HATE that treats have to be "commercially prepared". We have that here as well. What a crock!

Anonymous said...

Very very cool

Live.Love.Eat said...

Too cute. I have heard of that rule elsewhere but it doesn't apply where we are.

Anonymous said...

Love these. I bet they are so yummy!

Anonymous said...

I understand that the "store bought only" rule is an annoyance. But for children like my son who has a life-threatening food allergy it's the only way he can have treats with the rest of his class without being singled out.


Lorie said...


I would understand it if that was the reason, but I think it has more to do with sanitation than food allergies. And I understand that just makes it really expensive to bring 36 snacks.

The store bought snacks at my sons party today had nuts, peanut butter, wheat and eggs, so they wouldn't have been save for a child with food allergies.

Anonymous said...

So cute!!

Yup, gotta be store bought here too.

Amy said...

OH my goodness, how CUTE!!!