Seriously how many really cute countdown calendars does a person need? I received last years as a gift from my sister-in-law. I LOVE it! Is is so so SO cute!
And this year they come out with a NEW one!
Now, mine from last year is cuter, but that doesn't mean I don't want this one too! Dang them! They are MEAN!
I saw that! Isn't it too cute??
I hate pottery barn too! for the very same reasons!!! why do they have to have the most awesome stuff in the world? and usually for way more money than I want to spend?
Seriously. Whey do they do this to us???
Cute posting! Great countdown!
-Sandy Toes
p,s, I will write them a complaint note in honor of you...stop with the good ideas!
Pure EVIL. They do the same thing to me but with stockings. UGH. Maybe we should start some type of support group? :o)
Thanks for the comment. Just curious how you came across my blog...Please let me know.
Pottery Barn IS the devil. They make me spend HOURS on the internet tracking down cheaper alternatives to their products when I could have just never opened their catalog in the first place! ;o) CUTE Halloween calendar though!
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