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New Tradition

So today started a new tradition in our family. It happened this year by accident, but I plan on repeating it each year.

It is back to school time. We ran a few errands in the morning yesterday and planned on going clothes shopping for the kids. By the time the afternoon rolled around Lou La and Toots were WAY too exhausted to drag in and out of the car looking for close. So I decided to take the boy and get his shopping done.

We were both a little tired too, so we started our shopping trip by stopping for a treat! We got all of his shopping done pretty easily and headed home. It was fun to go shopping just the two of us. And of course getting a treat is always fun too!

Today was date day for Lou La and me. We headed out to see Kit Kittridge (which was very cute) and when we were done we went and did her school shopping. Again, it was nice to spend the time alone with her and nice to not have ALL of the kids while I was out running around.

I think every year I will take them out one at a time to get their new clothes and supplies. And throw in something fun too.

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