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Show and Tell Saturday - 1/3/14

Happy Show & Tell Saturday!  Are you ready for 2015?  Resolutions in place?  One Little Word Picked?  All done looking back and and reminiscing about 2014?

I am not quite ready for winter break to be over.  I have enjoyed having the kids home and staying up late watching movies and sleeping in without an alarm.  It will happen though, sooner than I want, and at least I have Valentine's Day to look forward to!

What have you been working on this week?  Grab a link and share it below!

Are you ready for the New Year?


Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting!


Thank you so much for the party.

Enjoy your first January 2015 weekend.

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

Thanks for hosting!

OneMommy said...

Thanks so much for hosting! Have a wonderful 2015!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting!! I'm working on my link parties page, and will add you to it! I'm going to hang out and look around a little :)

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Happy New Year Lorie. Thank you for Show and Tell Saturday no. 1314, today and all year 2014.

Lou Lou Girls said...

Hello cute lady! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party! Please come and join us at our party that starts Monday at 7 pm. We would love to party with you!
Happy New Year! Lou Lou Girls

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting this grand party!
Jess @liverandomlysimple

ileana-carmen said...

Thank you for hosting us. Happy New Year 2015!