More and more I am disappointed at what my kids can see on television and hear on the radio. We have had to move to only listening to music from our iPods and taping all shows to avoid commercials altogether. Every movie we see in theaters, even ones rated G and PG, are researched online before we view them. And then there is the Internet. Just one innocent click of the mouse and you have everything from lingerie ads to full blown pornography, all without looking for it. We have always used every parental control available on our computers and iPods, but we knew we needed to add more protection. A month ago, a friend and old neighbor of ours asked if I would be willing to try out the Pandora's Hope content filtering router and write a review. I immediately responded yes!
The set up was easy. You plug your existing router into the Pandora's Hope content filtering router, then plug Pandora's Hope into a computer to run the set up that took only a few minutes and included creating a password for your new filtered Wi-Fi signal and a password for your account. It took longer to gather all of the gadgets and enter the new Wi-Fi password than it did to get it all up and running.
As soon as it was up and running, we started testing it out. We typed in the address of a popular lingerie store and this is what you see.
That in and of itself is worth having the Pandora's Hope router in our home, but there are some other features that make it even better. When you sign on to your account, you can view a list of all sites that were visited, sites that were bypassed, and sites that were blocked. It even tells you how many times they were blocked. To make it even easier, you can have a report emailed to you, so you don't even have to log on!
And my absolute favorite, you can set up time restrictions! I can block out the Wi-Fi on any of the devices from bed time until they wake up in the morning, so no sneaking online while mom and dad are asleep.
I could go on and on, but you can find out more by visiting the Pandora's Hope site.
Would you like to try out Pandora's Hope for yourself Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to like the Facebook page for Pandora's Hope and you will be entered for a chance to win a free Family version of the Pandora's Hope Content Filtering Router and a free lifetime subscription!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received the Pandora's Hope Content Filtering Router Pro Version and subscription for the purposes of this review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
I want to win! Or let them know I'll do a review, too;)
Thanks Lorie!
Oooh I want that!
Fantastic! Some people in my new ward in north east mesa have Pandora's Hope and can't say enough fabulous things about it. They have 4 teenagers and appreciate the safety this router ensures. I love saying that I know the people who invented it :)
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