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My ArchetypeMe: Learning and Changing With My Archetype

Did you take the test? A few weeks ago I told you about ArchetypeMe and suggested you head over and find out your archetype. I took the test, and here are my results:

Here is where the fun begins.  After taking the test, you can then explore the ArchetypeMe site through the eyes of your archetype.  The site offers articles and information that are divided up by your interests.  It has content discovery based on your psychology. So instead of browsing through articles that may or may not interest you, you now have a curated page of content that was designed just FOR your personality type.  To make it even more personalized, you also have a pin board, called a 'ME' board, to store articles, images, and information that are of interest to you.  This community feature allows you to explore more content shared by people with similar interests and to share your favorites with friends as well.

But you aren't limited to just your own archetype.  You will notice that Athlete doesn't show up in my archetype profile (no surprise there) but I can still browse through and look for work out ideas to help meet my post baby weight loss goals and to find an interesting article to discuss with my husband over a lunch date.  Besides articles, there are also gift giving guides to help you find the perfect present by archetype.  I have a friend who would absolutely love these fun grammar dish towels.

One of my goals for this year was to start reading more.  Right now any reading I do is either story time for my younger kids or previewing a book before I let my pre-teen kids read it.  Through ArchetypeMe, I have found books, reviews, and even a video book club that I never would have found through any of my other frequently read sites.  ArchetypeMe makes it effortless to go beyond scratching the surface of my interests.  Because it curates the content based on my personality type, it saves me time digging endlessly through other sites' content that I am just not interested in reading.  And that extra time will come in handy trying to do things for myself, like reading a good book. Check out ArchetypeMe and see if it helps you know yourself and your world a little better.  And if you want to go deeper into understanding your archetype, there is a book Archetypes: Who Are You? that is currently available!  Don't forget to take the quiz yourself at!
To enter to win a $50 Visa Gift Card, leave me a comment letting me know which archetypes you are (you can find a list of the archetypes on the ArchetypeMe homepage).
No duplicate comments.
You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
  1. Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
  2. Tweet (public message) about this promotion; including exactly the following unique term in your tweet message: "#SweepstakesEntry #whatsyours"; and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
  3. Blog about this promotion, including a disclosure that you are receiving a sweepstakes entry in exchange for writing the blog post, and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
  4. For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 2/13/13-3/15/13.
Be sure to visit the ArchetypeMe brand page on where you can read other bloggers’ posts and find more chances to win!


Mami2jcn said...

Caregiver and intellectual.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Amy said...

Caregiver, Creative, & Intellectual

Elena said...

Caregiver and Intellectual

Elena said...

kellyr78 said...

I am a Caregiver (48%), Intellectual & Athlete.

kellyr78 said...


akronugurl said...

Caregiver, Spiritual, Intellectual

akronugurl said...

tweet: .

sparkedcat said...

Visionary and spiritual

sparkedcat said...

I tweeted

Linda in Arkansas said...

Caregiver, spiritual & Intellectual & 20% other

Chris Heilman said...

Intellectual, Caregiver, Creative

Tracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tracy said...

Caregiver and intellectual

susan1215 said...

Caregiver, Creative, & Intellectual

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

s2s2 at comcast dot net

sy said...

I'm a caregiver, intellectual, and creative. The baby food massage chart is so cute.
songyueyu at gmail

sy said...

songyueyu at gmail

Anonymous said...

My archetypes are Intellectual, Caregiver, and Spiritual.
madelinebrubaker {at} gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Tweet link:

JC said...

Intellectual and caregiver.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...

Unknown said...

I am a Creative, Caregiver, Intellectual Archetype.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

2nd entry tweet -
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

Jenniffier said...

Caregiver, creative, intellectual

merle said...

intellectual and spiritual

merle said...

ms-texas said...

I’m 39% intellectual, 28% caregiver and a 20% visionary!

debbiebellows (at)gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I am 45% creative, 22% intellectual, and 13% caregiver. Neat stuff! Thanks.

jenspurg said...

I'm a caregiver and intellectual.

jenspurg said...

Unknown said...

I'm a caregiver, visionary, intellectual. I got to reading and looking around the site so I don't know what my percentages were, they were all pretty close though.

marlucero90 (at)gmail (dot) com

Angel Jacklyn said...

Extra entry tweet!

kytah00 AT yahoo DOT com

Angel Jacklyn said...

I've got a lil of all of 'em in me. With 20% "Others," they tagged me as a Intellectual Fashioniesta Caregiver!! =D

Emily N. said...

I'm Intellectual, Caregiver, and Spiritual.

Emily N. said...


emilynwins at gmail dot com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I am 39% caregiver, 28% intellectual, and 13% visionary.

Thanks for the chance to win!

wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kerry said...

I'm 35% Athlete, 27% Caregiver and 18% Fashionista.

Kerry said...


Anonymous said...

My Archetype turned out to be Caregiver, Intellectual, Creative.

MCantu1019 said...

I am 43% caregiver, 19% spiritual, and 18% intellectual.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com

Anash said...

43% Caregiver
A Caregiver is someone who lives to give and needs to be useful.

22% Intellectual
If you’re an Intellectual, you’re always seeking knowledge and wisdom.

15% Visionary
Visionary women see important things before others do and make new rules that change the world.
Thanks for a super giveaway!
My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anash said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Betty C said...

I am 41% Caregiver, 29% Intellectual and 12% Advocate

Pretty much what I should have expected.

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

angie lilly said...

I was surprised not to see anything given to creativity!
33% Advocate
26% Caregiver
21% Intellectual
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com

Beth @HungryHappenings said...

I'm a creative, intellectual, caregiver.

beth (at)