Free Printable Birthday Calendar from Pinch A Little Save A Lot
This is the time of year when my head starts to get lost in all of the dates that are popping up on my calendar. With the school year ending we have graduation ceremonies, class parties, teacher appreciation, not to mention field trips, recitals, and concerts. Add to that the fact that the three main boys in my life, my dad, husband, and son, all have birthdays within a week of each other and somehow this time of year always brings out my desire to be more organized. Which is probably why I am in love with this colorful printable birthday calendar. One where I can keep track of all the important dates that is cute enough to keep out in the open.
Now if I could just get someone to fill it out for me!
You can get the birthday calendar and the anniversary calendar over at Pinch A Little Save A Lot.
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