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How To Clean Your Washing Machine

Washing Macine Cleaning Tutorial from Ask Anna

Ask Anna has a great tutorial on how to wash your washing machine and she is sharing it over at Somewhat Simple.

Since my entire house needs to be cleaned from top to bottom this week anyway, I guess I will throw the washing machine on the list for good measure.

You can check out the tutorial HERE.


Karina.Zhen said...

Oh no, the link doesn't work anymore! Hm, I was wondering how I can get the stains off too.

Sarah said...

The link doesn't work anymore! =(

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

While you're on that task, use some hot water and an old toothbrush to give the lint screen in your dryer a good scrubbing if you ever use dryer sheets. Why? Because wax from those dryer sheets builds up on your lint screen and reduces the efficacy of your dryer and creates a fire hazard.

Freaky, huh?

Lorie said...

Kimberly, Thanks for the tip!

The link has been fixed in the post.

And Anonymous, I think I need to hire you! Thanks for the help!