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Watermelon Lemonade

Watermelon Lemonad from One Ordinary Day

Spending just one day in Phoenix reminds me what dry heat means.  And this yummy looking watermelon lemonade looks like the perfect cure for the dry portion.

You can get the recipe over at One Ordinary Day.


marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

was trying to do the party but when I clicked anything related to that post (read more, title or comments) it took me to your home page :(

Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things} said...

Same for me.. :(

bj said...

No party today?

SweetSugarBelle said...

This looks amazing...great find, L!!!

Anonymous said...

We haven't tried the watermelon lemonade.. it looks refreshing!

Lorie said...

I think the party should be all fixed now! Sorry for the delay.

Anonymous said...

Tried this recipe, it was good! However, WAY to tart for my taste, I doubled the simple syrup. :)

WordPress SEO said...

Looks healthy juice! I want to try this.