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Shoe Hangers

Flip Flop Hangers from Epbot

My lovely friend Aunt Lolo sent me what I think is one of the most brilliant ideas I have ever seen.  Epbot has turned regular old wire hangers into these super useful (and actually pretty darn cute) flip flop hangers.

And they work for flats too.

You can check out the full pictured tutorial HERE.


Kristie said...

OMG ! ! these are so stinkin cute

KellyH said...

That is so cool! I saw this on Pinterest a little while ago and had to repin it!!

Sandy said...

Simply brilliant! I must make some of these.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...


Candice said...

What a great idea! I'm glad that I haven't taken our box of hangers back to the cleaners yet. I'll have to make some.

Jessica G. said...

Wow, now that is ingenious!

Nicole said...

OH. MY. GOSH. Simply brilliant!! If I had more hanging space, you can bet that I would be doing this! I am actually hanging my large shoulder bags from hangers in a desperate effort to give them an easily accessable home. Thanks so much for passing this along!

Unknown said...

That's amazing! I've been trying to sort out and organize my closet! Now, I just need to buy more shoes!

Tracy said...

Genius...what a way to recycle and organize all in the same time...

Give Back Today said...

UPCYCLING I LOVE IT!!! Those are so cute, what a brilliant idea!!

Thank You for sharing....


Tara said...

If you could see the floor of my closet {which you can't because it's a disaster} you'd know that I need a serious solution as to what to do with my shoes.

Kyla Armstrong said...

LOVE IT. My shoes need these.