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DIY Mail Organizer

Wall Organizer from Choose to Thrive

I saw this beautiful wall organizer over on UCreate and was completely surprised to find out that Nike from Choose to Thrive made the entire thing out of cardboard.  I wasn't surprised that Nike made it, just that it was made from cardboard.

Covered in fabric and prettied up with paint, I love it more than the set from Ballard that inspired it:

You can check out the full tutorial for these wall pockets over at UCreate.


bj said...


Kalen said...

This is wonderful! I have a mail holder, however my husband loves to scatter the mail throughout the house so I can go on a wild goose chase for it when I get home. haha.

nicolette {momnivores dilemma} said...

Nike really has a way with truly is an overlooked medium .

Nike@ChooseToThrive said...

Thanks so much for the feature! I really appreciate it. :) 2011 seems to be the "Respect The Box" year.

Jessica G. said...

Ever since I saw this, I've been hunting for sturdy enough cardboard...I must have one!