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Show and Tell Saturday - 01/08/11

Welcome to the first official Show and Tell Saturday of the New Year!!

In true Show and Tell Fashion, anything goest his week.  Please share your favorite post from this week below.

Please grab this button and add it to your post or sidebar:

Then add your link below.

Please link directly to your post not just the homepage of your blog.
Also, please link to a blog post, not your Etsy store.
And don't forget to be a friendly participant and check out some of the other projects that have been shared.  Show and Tell is more fun for all of us when someone is listening!


Leanne said...

Thanks for hosting this fun party every week.

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

When I linked my post, what did I do incorrectly? Only my name appears and the title does not. Hmm. Sorry I goofed! This is my first time... and it's all quite Greek to me.

Tai Bender said...

thanks for hosting Lorie! :)

Heidi said...

Thanks for hosting! I linked a family favorite that nicely answers the question, "What's for dinner?" It's lemon chicken. Enjoy!

Lorie said...

Kelley, it says name, but you just put the title of your project there. The name of your project is what it really should say.

Lorie said...

I can't even begin to tell you how excited all of these beautiful links make me!!

Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs said...

Thank you so much for hosting! :) I love your blog! said...

Thanks for hosting!
Deb @

Anonymous said...

Hi. Your Valentines Candy See through pouches are SO ADORABLE and your Valentines tree is sweet to! What cute ideas. I will check out your show and tell Saturday projects from everyone. Thanks for sharing. Just a delight. Lisa:)