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Conference Packets

If you are a procrastinator like me and you will be watching the LDS General Conference tomorrow like me, then you might want to print these out right now (like me).

Here are the links to the ones I am using.  My three kids range in age from 2-9, so go through all of the packets that are available and print out just the pages that I think each child will like.  They get three hole punched along with some blank paper.  Toss in a couple of pencils, a new box of crayons, and some playdoh and we do alright.

General Conference Notebook from

General Conference Packet from Somewhat Simple

General Conferece Activities from A Little Tipsy

Conference Coloring Pages from Sugar Doodle

and if you have older kids, you might like this packet geared towards teens.

If you have a Conference watching idea or links to other activities that you want to share, I would love to hear it!

If you aren't LDS and have a question, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.


Kalleen at Second Street said...

thanks Lorie!

Amie said...

Normally these make their way around bloggy land the week before Conference, but I hadn't seen them until your blog today. Thanks...printing off right now! :)

Katie said...

What a great post! My friend Jeannie just shared an idea that we'll be using next year...