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Bleached Shirt

Delia Creates came up with a brilliant solution to this problem:

By turning it into this:

Not only a clever save, but it is cuter than the original shirt!  You can see her tutorial HERE.


Angie said...

I love it! Defiantly going to have to try that. Maybe on my sons onesies!! I've giving you an award :)

Amie said...

I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me! I am a major bleach flunky! Will totally remember that next time!

Jodi said...

What a smart idea, I just end up throwing it, now, I may not have to!

Jodi said...

What a smart idea, I just end up throwing it, now, I may not have to!

Laurie at Turner Farm said...

love this! how clever is that!

Katie said...

Oooh, I've never played with bleach before! I love the design!

Delia said...

What?! Thank you so much for the feature. :)

LakshmiRP said...

Oh how i wish i got this idea before i threw off my Jean which accidentally stayed back in the bathroom when i was bleaching it....

Lorie said...

There are a couple of shirts that I threw away that now I wish I hadn't too!

Bleach does weaken a fabric, so the shirt isn't going to last as long as it would otherwise, but if the shirt is already ruined, you might as well make it cute while it lasts!!